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externalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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externalizes, 3rd person singular present; externalised, past participle; externalized, past participle; externalized, past tense; externalised, past tense; externalises, 3rd person singular present; externalising, present participle; externalizing, present participle;
  1. Give external existence or form to
    • - elements of the internal construction were externalized onto the facade
  2. Express (a thought or feeling) in words or actions
    • - an urgent need to externalize the experience
  3. Project (a mental image or process) onto a figure outside oneself
    • - such neuroses are externalized as interpersonal conflicts

  1. project: regard as objective
  2. exteriorize: make external or objective, or give reality to; "language externalizes our thoughts"
  3. (externalization) attributing to outside causes
  4. (externalization) embodying in an outward form
  5. To make something external or objective; To represent something abstract or intangible as material; to embody; To attribute emotions etc to external circumstances; to project; To direct to others, as costs or benefits
  6. (externalized) Preoccupation; awareness temporarily cut off from superconsciousness. A condition monastics seek to avoid through their sadhana and tapas; allowing awareness to become involved in outer life to the exclusion of one's inner life and goals, spiritual unfoldment, purification, ...
  7. (Externalization) The process of putting internal experiences, thoughts or feelings outside oneself and thus putting the responsibility for these experiences, thoughts or feelings on someone else.
  8. (Externalization) Doing business through an external partner (importer, agent, distributor).
  9. (Externalization) seeing something inner as occurring outside instead. A broader term than projection; in externalization, all feelings, even positive ones, are experienced as an aspect of someone or something else, consciously eliminating them from oneself (similar to Klein's concept of ...
  10. (Externalization) services define protocols and conventions for externalizing and internalizing objects. Externalizing means recording the object state in a stream of data, and internalizing means recreating an object state from a data stream. ...
  11. (externalization (of production)) The tendency for firms to subcontract work to other organizations (also termed vertical disintegration). Usually interpreted as a response to increasing market volatility and technological change as well as a desire to reduce costs. ...
  12. (externalization) The offsetting of costs onto society at large, as in the externalization of costs related to the health care impact of tobacco related products onto the public at large. ...
  13. Externalization occurs when a society is becoming unstable, and in order to reconsolidate their control, elite policy-makers instigate an international incident, crisis, or conflict, to divert the population from domestic problems or domestic differences.
  14. The process of converting a local component to an external reference component. The process creates a new drawing and moves the definition of the component to the new file, rendering the component an external reference component.