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explicate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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explicates, 3rd person singular present; explicated, past tense; explicated, past participle; explicating, present participle;
  1. Analyze and develop (an idea or principle) in detail
    • - attempting to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces
  2. Analyze (a literary work) in order to reveal its meaning

  1. explain: make plain and comprehensible; "He explained the laws of physics to his students"
  2. elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; "Could you develop the ideas in your thesis"
  3. (explication) the act of making clear or removing obscurity from the meaning of a word or symbol or expression etc.
  4. (explication) a detailed explanation of the meaning of something
  5. To explain meticulously or in great detail; to elucidate; to analyze; to develop a principle, theory, etc
  6. (explication) The act of opening, unfolding, or explaining; explanation; exposition; interpretation; The sense given by an expositor
  7. (explication) a line by line explanation of a poem or other literary work
  8. (EXPLICATION (or, explication de texte)) A method of literary analysis that originated in late nineteenth-century France involving close and detailed textual analysis. ...
  9. (Explication) explanation, especially of a passage in any text, or definition, as of a word by what is implied in it.
  10. An explication is not a paraphrase, nor a summary, nor a rewording (though it may include succinct paraphrase), but a commentary revealing the meaning of the work. ...
  11. to give a detailed explanation. Latin students may be asked, for instance, to explicate a reference to mythology, to Roman history, or to Roman religious celebrations in the context of the passage.