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explain 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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explained, past participle; explained, past tense; explains, 3rd person singular present; explaining, present participle;
  1. Make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas
    • - they explained that their lives centered on the religious rituals
    • - “my daddy has spells,” Ben explained
    • - he explained the situation
  2. Account for (an action or event) by giving a reason as excuse or justification
    • - Callie found it necessary to explain her blackened eye
    • - he makes athletes explain why they made a mistake
    • - she had tried to explain about Adam, hadn't she?
  3. Minimize the significance of an embarrassing fact or action by giving an excuse or justification
    • - they know stories about me that I can't explain away

  1. make plain and comprehensible; "He explained the laws of physics to his students"
  2. define; "The committee explained their plan for fund-raising to the Dean"
  3. excuse: serve as a reason or cause or justification of; "Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work"; "Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again"
  4. An explanation is a set of statements constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, , and consequences of those facts.
  5. To give a sufficiently detailed report about (a) the reason for something, about why something happened, about a causal chain of events; about (b) how something works, about how elements in a system interact; about (c) how to do something, about the steps which need to be accomplished in order ...
  6. (explaining) Of something that explains
  7. (explaining) This is not a TEFL term and its use will, quite rightly, get you thrown off Diploma courses. See also eliciting.
  8. Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how
  9. In explanatory answers it is imperative that you clarify and interpret the material you present. In such an answer it is best to state the "how or why," reconcile any differences in opinion or experimental results, and, where possible, state causes. ...
  10. Give a detailed account of causes, reasons or mechanisms.
  11. a Z39.50 service added in version 3 which allows a client to discover information about a server, such as available databases, supported attribute sets and record syntaxes.
  12. Give required information and show that it satisfies all relevant requirements. [AJP][FCv1] (see also information, requirements)
  13. Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant by the use of this term in a particular context. ...
  14. Make clear the reasons for , or the basic principles of, something; make intelligible.  Explanation may involve relating the unfamiliar to the more familiar.
  15. Make plain. Account for. Clarify, interpret, and spell out the material you present, giving reasons for important features or developments.
  16. A system of tables that generates reports geared primarily for Sales. These reports illustrate product figures such as business sold by a particular GA and/or producer. They also provides OC Reports, Research Reports, etc.
  17. tell how to do it or how it happens. Also can mean to tell why it happens.
  18. State the how and why. Seek to clarify the subject by exposing the method by which it works and what causes it to what it does.
  19. Offer a logical exposition of an idea in your essay. Show how it is developed and point out facts/reasons to clarify your meaning.
  20. In correlational research, show how two characteristics vary together.
  21. Explain means to make plain, to clarify, to give reason for.  "Explain" questions call for a variety of possible answers - - cause and effect, description of a process, analysis of meaning, etc.
  22. Tell how things work or how they came to be the way they are, including perhaps some need to 'describe' and to 'analyze' (see above).
  23. tell the meaning of; make plain
  24. (v) açılırģa, aŋılatırģa
  25. Provide thorough and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data.