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expend 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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expended, past participle; expends, 3rd person singular present; expending, present participle; expended, past tense;
  1. Spend or use up (a resource such as money, time, or energy)
    • - we do not need to expend energy working on our marriage

  1. use: use up, consume fully; "The legislature expended its time on school questions"
  2. spend: pay out; "spend money"
  3. (expending) the act of spending money for goods or services
  4. In business, retail, and accounting, a cost is the value of money that has been used up to produce something, and hence is not available for use anymore. In economics, a cost is an alternative that is given up as a result of a decision. ...
  5. To consume or exhaust some resource; To spend or disburse money
  6. (expended) Spent; used up; exhausted
  7. (Expended) refers to the actual dollars or positions utilized by an agency or institution during a completed fiscal year; a goal or strategy; an object of expense; or an amount from a particular method of finance.  Compare to “budgeted.”
  8. (expended) Term describing outflow of resources or reduction of liabilities associated with receipt of goods or services. Especially used in budgetary accounting, e.g., when an appropriation (q.v.) is expended.
  9. (v) coyarģa, qoratırģa