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exhibit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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exhibiting, present participle; exhibited, past tense; exhibits, 3rd person singular present; exhibited, past participle;
  1. Publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair
    • - only one sculpture was exhibited in the artist's lifetime
  2. (of an artist) Display one's work to the public in an art gallery or museum
    • - she was invited to exhibit at several French museums
  3. Publicly display the work of (an artist) in an art gallery or museum
    • - no foreign painters were exhibited
  4. Manifest or deliberately display (a quality or a type of behavior)
    • - he could exhibit a saintlike submissiveness
  5. Show as a sign or symptom
    • - patients with alcoholic liver disease exhibit many biochemical abnormalities
  1. An object or collection of objects on public display in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair
    • - the museum is rich in exhibits
  2. An exhibition
    • - people flocked to the exhibit in record-breaking numbers
  3. A document or other object produced in a court as evidence

  1. an object or statement produced before a court of law and referred to while giving evidence
  2. show an attribute, property, knowledge, or skill; "he exhibits a great talent"
  3. display: something shown to the public; "the museum had many exhibits of oriental art"
  4. expose: to show, make visible or apparent; "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month"; "Why don't you show your nice legs and wear shorter skirts?"; "National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship"
  5. show: give an exhibition of to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington"
  6. parade: walk ostentatiously; "She parades her new husband around town"
  7. An exhibit, in a criminal prosecution or a civil trial, is physical or documentary evidence brought before the jury. The artifact or document itself is presented for the jury's inspection. ...
  8. Exhibit is a lightweight, structured-data publishing framework that allows developers to create web pages with support for sorting, filtering and rich visualizations. ...
  9. (Exhibits) An exhibition, in the most general sense, is an organized presentation and display of a selection of items. In practice, exhibitions usually occur within museums, galleries and exhibition halls. ...
  10. (The Exhibited) De Udstillede (English: The Exhibited) is a 2000 Danish documentary film directed by Jesper Jargil. It documents a theatrical experiment devised by Lars von Trier.
  11. An instance of exhibiting; That which is exhibited; A public showing; an exhibition; An article formally introduced as evidence in a court; To display or show (something) for others to see, especially at an exhibition or contest; To demonstrate; To submit (a physical object) to a court as ...
  12. (exhibitry) Exhibits, taken collectively
  13. Exhibiting is nothing else that the Being already at hand, in other words, the being of existent things shows itself. ...
  14. (exhibits) Physical evidence introduced at a hearing or trial.
  15. (EXHIBITS) Tangible objects, documents, photographs, audiotapes and videotapes, and other items offered for the arbitrator’s consideration. ...
  16. (3. EXHIBITS) Products and services related to the following product groups will be exhibited at the fair:
  17. (Exhibits) All the other evidence (apart from evidence from witnesses) needed to help present the case to the court, for example items such as documents, photographs, clothing or other items relevant to the case.
  18. (Exhibits) Any kind of physical evidence, such as a document, map, or chart, that is presented by a party in a legal proceeding. Exhibits may be attached to pre-filed testimony or offered
  19. (Exhibits) are on-site opportunities for representatives from pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers to interact with attendees at departmentally managed or jointly sponsored activities. ...
  20. (Exhibits) tangible things presented at trial of evidence.
  21. (The Exhibits) Another other major problem was that, having inherited a grandiose project for a Festival of Britain or World's Fair-type showcase from the previous Tory government, the organisers of the project did not in fact have much of an idea of what to place in it for the public to see. ...
  22. A document or an object shown and identified in court as evidence in a case. Normally, the court assigns an identifying letter or number in alphabetical or numerical order before exhibits are offered as evidence.
  23. 1. to show or display or present to view. 2. to show or present outwardly. 3. to present for public viewing or consumption. 4. (Law) Something, such as an object or a document, presented as evidence in court. From the Latin exhibere, to hold forth or present.
  24. a paper, document or other article produced and exhibited to a court during a trial or hearing and, on being accepted, is marked for identification or admitted in evidence
  25. a document or other physical object presented to the court as evidence.