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excommunicate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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excommunicated, past tense; excommunicated, past participle; excommunicates, 3rd person singular present; excommunicating, present participle;
  1. Excommunicated
    • - all violators were to be pronounced excommunicate
  1. Officially exclude (someone) from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church

  1. An excommunicated person

  1. exclude from a church or a religious community; "The gay priest was excommunicated when he married his partner"
  2. oust or exclude from a group or membership by decree
  3. (excommunication) the state of being excommunicated
  4. (excommunication) the act of banishing a member of a church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the church; cutting a person off from a religious society
  5. (Excommunicated) A member is taken off the official membership roster -- they are said to no longer have their "name on the books." They are told they are no longer welcome. Excommunicated members are usually treated as separate by family members who are still involved with HOJ. ...
  6. (Excommunicated) Cast out of a coven or the vampiric community as a whole. (See also "Invisibles", "Sin nomine".)
  7. (Excommunication) (Gr. aphorismos): A penalty or censure by which a baptized individual is excluded from the Communion and fellowship of the Church, for committing and remaining obstinate in certain mortal sins. ...
  8. (excommunication) A disciplinary action against a Church member in which membership is withdrawn. (See Disciplinary Procedures)
  9. (Excommunication) Exclusion from the membership of the church or from communion with faithful Christians. Those judged "tolerati" could still mingle with the faithful, but those "vitandi" could not and were exiled. See also Anathema.
  10. (Excommunication) exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing to obey Church laws.
  11. (Excommunication) A severe ecclesiastical penalty, resulting from grave crimes against the Catholic religion, imposed by ecclesiastical authority or incurred as a direct result of the commission of an offense. ...
  12. (Excommunication) The enforced separation of a Christian from her or his denomination, done for the good of the individual and the faith group, with the intent of changing the individual's behavior so that they can be welcomed back. ...
  13. (Excommunication) Those who commit very serious sins may have their church membership removed. After a period of sincere repentance and a strengthening of their testimonies, they can request to be re-baptized. ...
  14. (excommunication) An act or pronouncement that cuts someone off from participation in the sacraments of the church and thus from the means of salvation.
  15. (excommunication) a censure imposed by church authority which excludes those subjected to it from holy communion and imposes on them other deprivations and disabilities; in the heavier form of this censure, the transgressor was forbidden any intercourse with fellow Christians and deprived of all ...
  16. (excommunication) n. A religious rite whereby a bishop rejects a person from a community for expressing independent ideas that he finds disagreeable.
  17. The word communicate originally meant to take Communion. People who are excommunicated are barred from Communion for disciplinary reasons, but may still participate in other parts of the service. ...
  18. To exclude, by an act of ecclesiastical authority, from the sacriments, rights, and priveleges of a church
  19. To exclude a Christian from receiving the Sacraments.