- increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing"
- (escalation) an increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy; "higher wages caused an escalation of prices"; "there was a gradual escalation of hostilities"
- An escalator is a moving staircase – a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. The device consists of a motor-driven chain of individual, linked steps that move up or down on tracks, allowing the step treads to remain horizontal.
- Escalation is the phenomenon of something getting more intense step by step, for example a quarrel, or, notably, military presence and nuclear armament during the Cold War. (Compare to escalator, a device that lifts something to a higher level. ...
- to increase (something) in extent or intensity; to intensify or step up; in technical support, to transfer a telephone caller to the next higher level of authority
- (escalation) an increase or rise, especially one to counteract a perceived discrepancy; a deliberate or premeditated increase in the violence or geographic scope of a conflict
- (Escalation) A clause in a lease providing for an increased rental at a future time. May be accomplished by several types of clauses, such as: (1) fixed increases — a clause which calls for a definite, periodic rental increase; (2) cost of living — a clause which ties the rent to a government ...
- (escalation) The mechanism in a lease which increases the rent, usually annually. May be set forth in fixed steps, tied to increases in operating expense, or to increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
- Escalation is an increase in the intensity of a conflict. When a conflict escalates, the people involved (disputants) move from gently opposing positions to more forceful, confrontational tactics. The number of parties involved may increase, and the number of issues under discussion may grow. ...
- (Escalation) The raising of some item, such as the interest rate or size of installment payments. The right to escalate the interest rate or size of payment may be given by contract to the lender under specified conditions.
- (ESCALATION) An Increase either in payments, interest or both that is triggered by a certain event.
- (Escalation) An Activity that obtains additional Resources when these are needed to meet Service Level Targets or Customer expectations. ...
- (Escalation) An amount or percentage by which a contract price may be adjusted if specified contingencies occur, such as changes in the supplier's raw material or labor costs.
- (Escalation) An increase in the cost of performing construction work, resulting from performing the work in a later period of time and at a cost higher than originally anticipated in the bid.
- (Escalation) Applies when annuity income payments increase at a predetermined rate, for example 3% per year.
- (Escalation) Determination of price adjustments based on increases or decreases to indexes specifically identified in the contract.
- (Escalation) Mechanism by which to monitor the current state of tickets in Process Management, to ensure that the workflow is progressing in an acceptable manner. ...
- (Escalation) Option on annuity-based Care Plans to enable income to increase each year
- (Escalation) Sending an order request or invoice to another user for resolution when the original user has not responded for a certain period of time.
- (Escalation) The act of advancing an issue to the next appropriate level for resolution.
- (Escalation) The process of advancing deduction and dispute resolution activities to a supervisor when assigned tasks are not completed within corporate performance (cycle time) standards
- (Escalation) This is an automatic increase in the amount of pension a member gets (or will get in the future). The amount goes up at regular times, and usually at a fixed rate.
- (Escalation) When an annuity payment is automatically increased at regular intervals by a fixed percentage rate.
- (Escalation) discusses the concepts and techniques on how to escalate in our interaction with women that sets the foundation for the close.
- (Escalation) start within the experience of your supporters and opponents, take steps increasing in intensity and moving outside the experience of your opponent. Take a step at a time and see the impact. Once you are out of the box you cannot go back