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err 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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erred, past participle; errs, 3rd person singular present; erring, present participle; erred, past tense;
  1. Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake
    • - the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible
  2. Sin; do wrong
    • - the erring brother who had wrecked his life

  1. to make a mistake or be incorrect
  2. stray: wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course"
  3. Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) - Estonian Public Broadcasting - is a publicly funded radio and television organization created in Estonia on 1 June 2007 to take over the functions of the formerly separate Eesti Raadio (ER) (Estonian Radio) and Eesti Televisioon (ETV) (Estonian Television), under ...
  4. (ERRS) The Edmonton Radial Railway Society (ERRS) operates historic streetcars in Fort Edmonton Park and across the High Level Bridge.
  5. Environmental Risk Register – an environmental risk assessment process undertaken by each ABP port
  6. mistaken, incorrect, do wrong (morally), stray, sin, move away (aim/course/purpose)
  7. Error card.  A card with erroneous information, spelling, or depiction on either side of the card.  Most errors are not corrected by the producing card company.
  8. Error Card - More common in cards Pre-Year 2000, often a miss-print or other error on the card. Sometimes followed by a COR or Corrected version that corrects the error on the previous print-run. ...
  9. This is a special way of teaching children in our youngest classes to read.
  10. Emergency Response Roster (WFP)
  11. érr (= American English ãir)
  12. Economic rate of return
  13. ERR = (ELI – ELF) / ELI