- remove from memory or existence; "The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915"
- remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing; "Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!"
- wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information; "Who erased the files form my hard disk?"
- Erase is the third studio album released by Dutch death metal band Gorefest. It was released in 1994 Nuclear Blast Records.
- (Erased (album)) "Erased" is the debut album from the Swedish metal band Inja.
- (The Erased) The Izbrisani (The Erased) is the name used in the media, for a group of people in Slovenia that remained without a legal status after the declaration of the country's independence in 1991.
- to remove markings or information; To obliterate information from (a storage medium), such as to clear or (with magnetic storage) to demagnetize; To obliterate (information) from a storage medium, such as to clear or to overwrite; To remove a runner from the bases via a double play or pick ...
- (Erased) (e-ras'd) A term applied to the head of an animal or other bearing having the appearance of being forcibly torn off, leaving jagged or uneven ends.
- (erased) torn from the body, with jagged edges erect upright
- (Erased) Always used of a body part, most often a head. Erased means the part has a jagged edge where it was separated from the rest of the body, as distinct from couped which would have a smooth edge, as if cut.
- (Erased) The charge appears torn apart.
- to cause an engram to “vanish” entirely by recounting, at which time it is filed as memory and experience and ceases to be part of the reactive mind. See also engram; reactive mind.
- A procedure for removing media from a video program, leaving black space (called filler) in its place to maintain the spacing and length of the entire program. Sometimes called a non-ripple edit.
- The # character in terminal input erases itself and the preceding character in edited input mode. (The erase character was " in CTSS.)
- clear all information in main text box and graphical areas.
- "Nothing is indelible," said Tom irascibly.
- Erasing computer memory changes specified binary data in storage with zeros or other null codes. Erasing has the effect of clearing the storage area.
- causes the graph to be erased when you press RETURN after the graph has been displayed.
- To remove previously written data by randomizing the magnetic orientation of the media (see Degausser).
- A process by which a signal recorded on a medium is removed and the medium made ready for rerecording.
- or DEL – help you to delete one or more folders
- Completely wiping , deleting or destroying all electronic data. ^
- Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
- v. (mil) To kill or assassinate.
- VT (computer file) viŝiKL