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envy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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envies, plural;
  1. Desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else)
    • - he envied people who did not have to work on weekends
    • - I envy Jane her happiness
  2. Desire for oneself (something possessed or enjoyed by another)
    • - a lifestyle that most of us would envy
  1. A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck
    • - she felt a twinge of envy for the people on board
  2. A person or thing that inspires such a feeling
    • - their national health service is the envy of many in Europe

  1. a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another
  2. feel envious towards; admire enviously
  3. be envious of; set one's heart on
  4. spite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins)
  5. (envious) covetous: showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages; "he was never covetous before he met her"; "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions"; "envious of their art collection"
  6. Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."Parrott, W. G., & Smith, R. H. (1993). And belongs to Ami. ...
  7. ....Envy is a series of documentaries created for Virgin 1 designed to highlight growing British obsessions.
  8. Envy is the first official release by Ambitious Lovers. The album picks up where DNA left off.
  9. Envy is one of the foremost hardcore/screamo bands of Japan. They have a large following outside of their native Japan, and are signed to Rock Action Records in Europe and Temporary Residence Limited in North America, though originally they worked with Level Plane Records. ...
  10. Envy is the debut studio album by American band Eve's Plum, released on August 31, 1993 on 550 Records. Before it was released, the debut single, "Blue" was promoted on MTV, appearing on an episode of Beavis and Butthead. However, the single and album failed to chart. ...
  11. Envy is a 2004 American comedy film directed by Barry Levinson. It stars Ben Stiller and Jack Black.
  12. Nicola Varley (born 9 April 1987), known as Envy, is an English rapper / MC.
  13. Resentful desire of something possessed by another or others (but not limited to material possessions). [from 13th c.]; Hatred, enmity, ill-feeling. [14th-18th c.]; To feel displeasure or hatred towards (someone) for their good fortune or possessions. [from 14th c. ...
  14. (envious) Feeling or exhibiting envy; desire of excellence or good fortune of another; maliciously grudging; Excessively careful; cautious; Malignant; mischievous; spiteful
  15. (Envious) implies wanting something that belongs to another and to which one has no particular right or claim …
  16. (envious) jealous, full of envy, desire or want.
  17. To dream that you entertain envy for others, denotes that you will make warm friends by your unselfish deference to the wishes of others. If you dream of being envied by others, it denotes that you will suffer some inconvenience from friends overanxious to please you.
  18. Arabic Hasad The word occurs twice in the Qur'an.
  19. Envy is distress incurred by reason of a neighbor's prosperity.
  20. emulation adapted to the meanest capacity.
  21. Resentment or sadness at another's good fortune, and the desire to have it for oneself. One of the seven capital sins, envy is contrary to the tenth commandment.
  22. While the dictionary defines "envy" as a combination of discontent, resentment and desire -- usually for the possessions, advantages or qualities of another, Keppe adds a new dimension to this definition, broader than ordinary jealousy and closer to the Latin root of the word: invidere (in=non, ...
  23. The feeling of discontent at another’s good fortune with a desire to have the same good fortune for one’s self. To long after; to desire strongly; to covet.
  24. The sin of Envy (Invidia) differs from that of Pride in that it contains always an element of fear. The proud man is self-sufficient, rejecting with contempt the notion that anybody can be his equal or superior. ...
  25. is a popular Newgrounds musician and Audio Moderator. One of his songs was featured on the Synthetica EP which was put together by a group of NG Audio Portal artists.