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enthrall 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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enthralls, 3rd person singular present; inthralls, 3rd person singular present; inthralled, past participle; enthrals, 3rd person singular present; enthralled, past participle; enthralling, present participle; enthralled, past tense; inthralling, present participle; inthralled, past tense;
  1. Capture the fascinated attention of
    • - she had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold
  2. Enslave

  1. enchant: hold spellbound
  2. To hold spellbound; to bewitch, charm or captivate; To make subservient; to enslave or subjugate
  3. to captivate or charm: a performer whose grace, skill, and virtuosity enthrall her audiences; to put or hold in slavery; subjugate: to be enthralled by illusions and superstitions. Syn. spellbind, enchant, transport, enrapture.