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enrage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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enraged, past participle; enrages, 3rd person singular present; enraging, present participle; enraged, past tense;
  1. Make very angry
    • - the students were enraged at these new rules

  1. put into a rage; make violently angry
  2. (enraged) angered: marked by extreme anger; "the enraged bull attached"; "furious about the accident"; "a furious scowl"; "infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy"; "could not control the maddened crowd"
  3. (enragement) infuriation: a feeling of intense anger
  4. Les Enragés (literally "the Enraged Ones") were a radical group active during the French Revolution of 1789 to the left of the Jacobins. Initiated by Jacques Roux, Théophile Leclerc, Jean Varlet and others, they believed that liberty for all meant more than mere constitutional rights. ...
  5. (Enraged) In psychiatry, rage is a mental state that is one extreme of the intensity spectrum of anger. When a person experiences rage it usually lasts until a threat is removed or the person under rage is incapacitated. The other end of the spectrum is annoyance (DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2006). ...
  6. To fill with rage; to provoke to frenzy or madness; to make furious
  7. (enraged) Angered, made furious, made full of rage
  8. (Enraged) In a leaping posture. It is sometimes used to describe the position of a horse which in the case of other animals would be saliant.
  9. (Enraged) 1 minute duration – You must and can do nothing but engage in combat.  You may choose your targets freely, however you must continue to attack until all visible targets have been Downed.  At the end of every minute you spend Enraged you lose 1 Stamina.