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ennoble 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ennobles, 3rd person singular present; ennobled, past tense; ennobled, past participle; ennobling, present participle;
  1. Give (someone) a noble rank or title

  2. Lend greater dignity or nobility of character to
    • - the theater is a moral instrument to ennoble the mind

  1. confer dignity or honor upon; "He was dignified with a title"
  2. give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility
  3. (ennobling) dignifying: investing with dignity or honor; "the dignifying effect of his presence"; "the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings"
  4. (ennobling) tending to exalt; "an exalting eulogy"; "ennobling thoughts"
  5. Nobility is a state-privileged status which is generally hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be largely honorary (e.g. ...
  6. To bestow with nobility, honour or grace; To ennoble textile fabrics, the industrial processes of dry-cleaning, printing and embossing, and sizing and finishing, which together are known as 'ennobling fabrics'