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engross 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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engrosses, 3rd person singular present; engrossing, present participle; engrossed, past tense; engrossed, past participle;
  1. Absorb all the attention or interest of
    • - the notes totally engrossed him
  2. Gain or keep exclusive possession of (something)
    • - the country had made the best of its position to engross trade
  3. Produce (a legal document) in its final or definitive form

  1. steep: devote (oneself) fully to; "He immersed himself into his studies"
  2. absorb: consume all of one's attention or time; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"
  3. (engrossment) concentration: complete attention; intense mental effort
  4. (engrossment) preoccupation: the mental state of being preoccupied by something
  5. (engrossment) intentness: the quality of being intent and concentrated; "the intentness of his gaze"
  6. To write (a document) in large, aesthetic, and legible lettering; to make a finalized copy of; To buy up wholesale, especially to buy the whole supply of (a commodity etc. ...
  7. (Engrossment) when the draft deeds to a property are approved they are engrossed for the vendor and purchaser to sign.
  8. (Engrossment) The formal and final version of a document prepared by a solicitor in readiness for signing and sealing following agreement of the final draft between the parties.
  9. (Engrossment) The clean copy of a deed or document that is to be signed.
  10. (Engrossment) the process of preparing a bill for Final Reading by incorporating all adopted amendments.
  11. (ENGROSSMENT) The act of perfecting an item of legislation in accordance with any amendments which have been adopted to it since its origin.
  12. (Engrossment) (Eng.) After passage by both branches the Bill is passed to be engrossed. Engrossment is the procedure whereby the Bill is typed in simulated script on special paper in the Engrossing Division. The engrossed Bill is voted upon for enactment. (See also Enactment)
  13. (Engrossment) Characteristic sense of absorption, preoccupation, and interest in the infant demonstrated by fathers during early contact with their infants.
  14. (Engrossment) Preparation of a legal document in its final form prior to signing. Enterprise Investment Scheme. Introduced by the November 1993 budget as a replacement for the BES scheme which ended 31/12/93. ...
  15. (Engrossment) The drafting of a resolution or bill in the legislature just prior to the final vote.
  16. (Engrossment) The drawing together of two or more holdings into one.
  17. (Engrossment) The final preparation of the bill in its final form. The term literally means to write or transcribe in a large clear, hand; however, "engrossment" in modern times is accomplished by retyping the measure or reproducing it by some other mechanical means.
  18. (Engrossment) The process of comparing the printed bill to ensure it looks like the original and to verify that amendments have been correctly inserted.
  19. (Engrossment) the preparation of an exact, accurate and official copy of a measure passed by the house of origin containing the proper endorsement of that house and including all adopted committee and floor amendments; the measure is then forwarded to the opposite house for its consideration. ...
  20. To incorporate amendments into a printed measure.
  21. To print a final copy of a document. In archaic CRIMINAL LAW, engrossment was the process of forcing higher the price of a good by buying it up and creating a MONOPOLY.
  22. A motion to engross a bill is the step before final passage in the house of origin. An order to print a proposal in its engrossed form means to incorporate all amendments and chief clerks corrections to the original bill for consideration by the second house.