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engrave 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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engraved, past tense; engraved, past participle; engraves, 3rd person singular present; engraving, present participle;
  1. Cut or carve (a text or design) on the surface of a hard object
    • - my name was engraved on the ring
  2. Cut or carve a text or design on (such an object)

  3. Cut (a design) as lines on a metal plate for printing

  4. Be permanently fixed in (one's memory or mind)
    • - the image would be forever engraved in his memory

  1. scratch: carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; "engrave a pen"; "engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's"; "the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree"
  2. impress or affect deeply; "The event engraved itself into her memory"
  3. carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block; "engrave a letter"
  4. carve or cut a design or letters into; "engrave the pen with the owner's name"
  5. (engraved) cut or impressed into a surface; "an incised design"; "engraved invitations"
  6. (engraving) a print made from an engraving
  7. Engrave is the second album released by Amulet.
  8. Engraving is the practice of incising a design on to a hard, usually flat surface, by cutting grooves into it. ...
  9. (Engraving (music)) Music engraving is the art of drawing music notation at high quality for the purpose of mechanical reproduction. The term music copying is almost equivalent, though music engraving implies a higher degree of skill and quality, usually for publication. ...
  10. To carve text or symbols into (something), usually for the purposes of identification or art; To carve (something) into a material
  11. (Engraved (eng)) Denotes the use of an intaglio printing method on the basis of engraved copper or zinc plates. (Cf. Lithographed and Lithographic transfer.)
  12. (Engraved) Invitations are the most elegant, and the most expensive. The words are cut into the paper with copper plates, so that the lettering can be felt on both  sides.  Engraving is generally chosen for formal, traditional invitations on white or off-white stock. ...
  13. (Engraved) This is another term for “tattooed.”
  14. (Engraved) Tools are used to cut an image into the surface of a spoon.
  15. (engraved) Engravings are made by using a hand-held cutting tool and the design is created by lines cut into the copper sheet.
  16. (Engravery) Wedding invitations and personalized gifts can be purchased online. See a preview of your wedding invitation online! All orders secure.
  17. (Engraving) A method of drawing that employs a burin or graver to cut or incise on a metal plate.
  18. (Engraving) A method of marking metal, plastic, or glass in shallow, negative relief utilizing a bit or graver. Engraving may be done freehand, using a pantograph, or by computer-driven equipment. The engraved area may be filled to create greater contrast.
  19. (Engraving) A process of etching a design, initials, family crest or anything else into the surface of metal. The traditional method of hand-engraving is becoming less common as it is replaced by sophisticated computerized techniques. ...
  20. (Engraving) designs achieved by cutting the surface of metal by the use of sharp tools, called gravers, which remove small amounts of metal.
  21. (engraving) A general term used to describe traditional printing processes, such as etching, aquatint, drypoint, etc., where an image is made by the use of metal plates and engraving tools, and printed, usually through a printing press. ...
  22. (engraving) An impression made into a comic book cover to create an illusion of depth.
  23. (engraving) Printing method using a plate, also called a die, with an image cut into its surface.
  24. (Engraving) Printing process whereby images such as copy or art are etched onto a plate. When ink is applied, these etched areas act as small wells to hold the ink. Paper is forced against this die, and the ink is lifted out of the etched areas creating raised images on the paper.
  25. (Engraving) Ornamentation using chisels or engravers to cut away design.