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enfranchise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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enfranchises, 3rd person singular present; enfranchised, past participle; enfranchising, present participle; enfranchised, past tense;
  1. Give the right to vote to
    • - a proposal that foreigners should be enfranchised for local elections
  2. Free (a slave)

  1. affranchise: grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude; "Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century"
  2. grant voting rights
  3. (enfranchised) endowed with the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote
  4. (enfranchisement) certification: the act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on
  5. Suffrage, political franchise, or simply the franchise is the civil right to vote, or the exercise of that right. ...
  6. To grant the franchise to an entity. Generally meaning to grant the privilege of voting to a person
  7. (enfranchisement) The act of enfranchising; The release from slavery; The investiture with any of several municipal privileges
  8. (enfranchised) refers to reforms giving peasants legal ownership of the land they had used before but which had belonged to their lords, i. e., releasing them from serfdom. In the Kingdom of Poland enfranchisement was put into effect in 1863 and 1864.
  9. (Enfranchisement) This occurs when a leaseholder buys the freehold of the property the leaseholder is leasing.
  10. (ENFRANCHISEMENT) In an orthodox Muslim state, only those persons who have embraced the Muslim faith are enfranchised; all others are called upon to pay a poll tax (jizyah), for which they obtain security (aman). ...
  11. (Enfranchisement) the granting of a freehold interest, specifically the conversion of a customary tenantright tenancy into a freehold.  The tenant paid a lump sum based on the value of the property to acquire the freehold. More and Example
  12. To grant a person the right to vote.