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energize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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energises, 3rd person singular present; energised, past tense; energised, past participle; energising, present participle; energized, past participle; energizing, present participle; energized, past tense; energizes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Give vitality and enthusiasm to
    • - people were energized by his ideas
  2. Supply energy, typically kinetic or electrical energy, to (something)

  1. stimulate: cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate"
  2. excite: raise to a higher energy level; "excite the atoms"
  3. (energizing) supplying motive force; "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center"- H.O.Taylor
  4. (energizing) the activity of causing to have energy and be active
  5. Energized is the third album by the group Foghat. It was released in January 1974 and has reached gold status in the United States.
  6. To invigorate, to make energetic; To supply with energy, especially electricity. To turn on power to something
  7. (energization) The act (or state) of being energized
  8. (Energized) Electrically connected to, or is, a source of voltage.
  9. (Energized) The state of a valve or pump when electrical current is applied to the coil.
  10. (Energized) Bearsville, 1974; reissued, Rhino, 1990.
  11. (Energized) Machines and equipment are energized when they are connected to an energy source, or they contain residual or stored energy. An example of stored energy could be a steam line. ...
  12. (energization) Refers to the time when a completed facility is placed in service or put into operation.
  13. (Energizing) Means literally charging of the body and soul with energy. Selected substances, e.g. pure oxygen or certain flavours are used as stimulants to increase performance. ...
  14. (Energizing) Smooth mint blend with citrus base tone.
  15. To activate (a Solenoid, Relay, etc.) by providing sufficient energy
  16. To provide power to a device or circuit. Typically to power a relay coil, thus forcing it to change the state of its contacts.
  17. To apply rated voltage to a circuit or device in order to activate it.
  18. To send electricity through a electricity transmission and distribution network; a conductor or power line that is carrying current.
  19. The character automatically readies whenever it defends.