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encroach 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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encroached, past tense; encroached, past participle; encroaching, present participle; encroaches, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Intrude on (a person's territory or a thing considered to be a right)
    • - rather than encroach on his privacy, she might have kept to her room
  2. Advance gradually beyond usual or acceptable limits
    • - the sea has encroached all around the coast

  1. advance beyond the usual limit
  2. impinge: impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains"
  3. encroaching(a): gradually intrusive without right or permission; "we moved back from the encroaching tide"; "invasive tourists"; "trespassing hunters"
  4. (encroachment) invasion: any entry into an area not previously occupied; "an invasion of tourists"; "an invasion of locusts"
  5. (encroachment) trespass: entry to another's property without right or permission
  6. (encroachment) impingement: influencing strongly; "they resented the impingement of American values on European culture"
  7. (Encroachment (American football)) In American football and Canadian football, a penalty is a sanction called against a team for a violation of the rules, called a foul. ...
  8. Encroachment; to seize, appropriate; to intrude unrightfully on someone else's rights or territory; to advance gradually beyond due limits
  9. (encroaching) Describing something that encroaches
  10. (encroachment) An entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon; an advance beyond former borders; intrusion; incursion; An intrusion upon another's possessions or rights; infringement; That which is gained by such unlawful intrusion; An unlawful diminution of the possessions of another
  11. (encroached) applies to vegetation which is now growing within the channel in places it would not normally occur if the natural flow regime was present.
  12. (Encroaching) Body language that takes advantage of proxemics to violate a person’s personal space and territory. ...
  13. (Encroachment) The intrusion of a structure which extends, without permission, over a property line, easement boundary or building setback line.
  14. (Encroachment) The unauthorized extension of the boundaries of land.
  15. (encroachment) if a player (besides the center) is in the neutral zone and contact occurs prior to the snap; a foul punishable by a 5-yard penalty.
  16. (Encroachment) Anything belonging to one landowner that extends onto an adjacent landowner’s property is considered an encroachment. A fence that is a few inches over the property line is one example.
  17. (Encroachment) To take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily.
  18. (Encroachment) Construction, placement of fill, or similar alteration of topography in the floodplain that reduces the area available to convey floodwaters.
  19. (Encroachment) Part of a house or establishment illegally overhanging the street or a neighbour’s property.
  20. (Encroachment) A fixture of a piece of property which intrudes on another's property.
  21. (Encroachment) Refers typically to a property use or structure extending over someone else’s property line.
  22. (8. Encroachment) When a player enters the neutral zone and makes contact with an opponent before the ball is snapped.
  23. (Encroachment) The extension of a structure from the real estate to which it belongs across a boundary line and onto adjoining property.
  24. (Encroachment) A building or some portion of it - a wall or fence for instance - that extends beyond the land of the owner and illegally intrudes on some land of an adjoining owner or a street or alley.
  25. (Encroachment) An intrusion onto an adjoining property -- such as a neighbor's fence, storage shed or overhanging roof line that partially (or even fully) intrudes onto your property.