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encircle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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encircling, present participle; encircled, past tense; encircles, 3rd person singular present; encircled, past participle;
  1. Form a circle around; surround
    • - the town is encircled by fortified walls

  1. form a circle around; "encircle the errors"
  2. gird: bind with something round or circular
  3. (encircled) surrounded: confined on all sides; "a camp surrounded by enemies"; "the encircled pioneers"
  4. encircling(a): being all around the edges; enclosing; "his encircling arms"; "the room's skirting board needs painting"
  5. (v) aldarģa, tögеrеgin sızlarģa