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encapsulate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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encapsulates, 3rd person singular present; encapsulated, past tense; encapsulated, past participle; encapsulating, present participle;
  1. Enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule

  2. Express the essential features of (someone or something) succinctly
    • - the conclusion is encapsulated in one sentence
  3. Enclose (a message or signal) in a set of codes that allow use by or transfer through different computer systems or networks

  4. Provide an interface for (a piece of software or hardware) to allow or simplify access for the user

  5. Enclosed by a protective coating or membrane

  1. enclose in a capsule or other small container
  2. put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume; "capsulize the news"
  3. (encapsulation) the condition of being enclosed (as in a capsule); "the encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths"
  4. (Encapsulation (computer science)) In computer science, information hiding is the principle of segregation of design decisions in a computer program that are most likely to change, thus protecting other parts of the program from extensive modification if the design decision is changed. ...
  5. (Encapsulation (networking)) In computer networking, encapsulation is a method of designing modular communication protocols in which logically separate functions in the network are abstracted from their underlying structures by inclusion or information hiding within higher level objects.
  6. (Encapsulation (object-oriented programming)) In an object-oriented programming language encapsulation is used to refer to one of two related but distinct notions, and sometimes to the combination Nell B. ...
  7. (Encapsulation (pharmacology)) In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, encapsulation refers to a range of techniques used to enclose medicines in a relatively stable shell known as a capsule, allowing them to, for example, be taken orally or be used as suppositories. ...
  8. To cover something as if in a capsule; To epitomize something by expressing it as a brief summary
  9. (Encapsulated) Refers to a tumor that is wholly confined to a specific area, surrounded by a capsule. Localized.
  10. (Encapsulated) A glass part that has a molding attached.  Sometimes at the top only, and sometimes around three or four sides of the glass.
  11. (Encapsulated) A style of dry type transformer utilizing a solid resin to encase and seal the core and coil assembly.
  12. (Encapsulated) This is when a foreign body (such as a breast implant) becomes surrounded by a buildup of fibrous tissues, which can cause pain and discomfort. This is a continuous potential problem with any implantation of a foreign body.
  13. (encapsulated) (adjective) : surrounded by a gelatinous or membranous envelope
  14. (encapsulated) Once a coin has been professionally graded, it is placed into a shatter-proof container.  Sealed encapsulation ensures preservation of the coins quality from air and moisture.
  15. (encapsulated) enclosed or covered, such a stream that has been built into a sewer
  16. (ENCAPSULATES) the free flowing, floating, in-ground, or previously spilled, hydro carbons
  17. (Encapsulating) Enclosing an article (usually an electronic component or the like) in a closed envelope of plastic, by immersing the object in a casting resin and allowing the resin to polymerize or, if hot, to cool.
  18. (Encapsulating) Completely surrounding an object with resin or a fiber resin composite. Sometimes used specifically in reference to the enclosure of capacitors or circuit board modules.
  19. (encapsulation) The technique used by layered protocols in which a layer adds header information to the protocol data unit (PDU) from the layer above. ...
  20. (encapsulation) The treatment of asbestos-containing material with a liquid that covers the surface with a protective coating or embeds fibers in an adhesive matrix to prevent their release into the air.
  21. (encapsulation) The veil of abstraction separating the interface from the implementation (whether enforced or not), which mandates that all access to an object's state be through methods alone.
  22. (Encapsulation) The inclusion of one data structure within another structure so that the first data structure is hidden for the time being.
  23. (encapsulation) A process by which an interface device places the protocol-specific frames of an end device inside a Frame Relay frame. ...
  24. (Encapsulation) Where printed material is fully enclosed and sealed in plastic. This leaves a small, clear plastic border around the sheet where it is sealed. Encapsulation is durable and water resistant
  25. (Encapsulation) A form of protective enclosure for papers and other flat objects; involves placing the item between two sheets of transparent polyester film (available in various thicknesses) that are subsequently sealed around all edges.