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emote 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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emotes, 3rd person singular present; emoted, past participle; emoted, past tense; emoting, present participle;
  1. (esp. of an actor) Portray emotion in a theatrical manner

  1. give expression or emotion to, in a stage or movie role
  2. An emoticon is a textual expression representing the face of a writer's mood or facial expression. Emoticons are often used to alert a responder to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve interpretation of plain text. ...
  3. Emotes are a series of picture books, comics and designer toys created by Helen Lau. Each of the characters represents a different emotion. ...
  4. to display emotions openly, especially while acting
  5. (Emotes) Way of expressing how you feel in the game thru commands that create text or animated reactions from your character.
  6. A convention used to express emotions through text in text-based games (sometimes referred to as "smilies") and physical animations on avatars in newer graphics-based games.
  7. to express emotion, especially sadness, disappointment, awe, or love. Sara uses this verb when describing the rare instances in which her air sign friends demonstrate water sign FEELINGS. ...
  8. A way to state something in chat in the form of a sentence, by preceding it with /me. For example, if I type "I am very confused." into the chat line, the chat that appears will read "CyFishy Traveler: I am very confused." If I type "/me is very confused. ...