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embed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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embedded, past tense; imbedded, past participle; imbedded, past tense; embedded, past participle; embedding, present participle; imbedding, present participle; imbeds, 3rd person singular present; embeds, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass
    • - he had an operation to remove a nail embedded in his chest
  2. Implant (an idea or feeling) within something else so it becomes an ingrained or essential characteristic of it
    • - the Victorian values embedded in Tennyson's poetry
  3. Place (a phrase or clause) within another clause or sentence

  4. Incorporate (a text or code) within the body of a file or document

  5. Design and build (a microprocessor) as an integral part of a system or device

  6. Attach (a journalist) to a military unit during a conflict

  1. An embedded journalist
    • - most of the embeds found themselves covering construction and civil works projects

  1. implant: fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"
  2. attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war; "The young reporter was embedded with the Third Division"
  3. (embedded) enclosed firmly in a surrounding mass; "found pebbles embedded in the silt"; "stone containing many embedded fossils"; "peach and plum seeds embedded in a sweet edible pulp"
  4. (Embedded (album)) Embedded is the 3rd solo album by Mark Seymour, released in 2004.
  5. (Embedded (journalism)) Embedded journalism refers to news reporters being attached to military units involved in armed conflicts. ...
  6. (Embedded (play)) Embedded is a play starring, written, and directed by Tim Robbins. It chronicles the war in Iraq through satire and commedia dell'arte masks. It also pokes fun at neo-conservatives such as Karl Rove, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.
  7. (Embedding) In mathematics, an embedding (or imbedding) is one instance of some mathematical structure contained within another instance, such as a group that is a subgroup.
  8. To lay as in a bed; to lay in surrounding matter; to bed; as, to embed a thing in clay, mortar, or sand; To include in surrounding matter; To encapsulate within another document or data file (unrelated to the other computing meaning of embedded as in embedded system); To define a one-to-one ...
  9. (embedded) Part of; firmly, or securely surrounded; lodged solidly into; deep-rooted; Partially buried in concrete or planted in earth
  10. (embedding) A map which maps a subspace (smaller structure) to the whole space (larger structure); To inject, insert a code (malicious) in other code or into the operating system
  11. (Embedded) This refers to items becoming a part of the web page; for instance, when a video is embedded in the web page it becomes fixed to the page.
  12. (22. Embedded) Formal and informal evaluation that can be formative in nature, administered in a variety of ways throughout a course to demonstrate that learning is taking place and to answer questions or discover where learners are struggling and need help. ...
  13. (Embedded) A Scene can incorporate or contain certain gadgets that are not able to exist on their own, they can exist only in a Scene. See Gadgets for more information.
  14. (Embedded) An object, such as a graphic, which has been placed in a document from another file.
  15. (Embedded) Chart drawn on the same worksheet as the data
  16. (Embedded) In wireless communications, used to describe capabilities, such as Internet access, that are contained within a device.
  17. (Embedded) SystemAn IT system that is embedded within another system. Eg. A car management system embedded in a car. Or a call management system embedded in a phone.
  18. (Embedded) This term is used for software applications which run on dedicated hardware (for example mobile phones, consumer electronic components, control systems etc.) as opposed to computer workstations.
  19. (Embedded) Usually applies to graphics or photos that are linked or tied into a particular web page.
  20. (Embedded) a Non removable extra – usually used in reference to a CAM
  21. (Embedded) sunken deeply in a surrounding solid mass, as with sporophytes of Riccia and Ricciocarpos
  22. (embedded) Fixed within a surrounding system or unit. Also, engineered or intended to perform one specific function in a specific environment.
  23. (embedded) Lodged in instruction.
  24. (embedded) The property of being in an environment (or system) and interacting with it.
  25. An embedded system is a computer that lives inside another device and acts as a component of that device. For example, current cars have an embedded computer under the hood that helps regulate much of their day to day operation. ...