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effuse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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effuses, 3rd person singular present; effusing, present participle; effused, past tense; effused, past participle;
  1. Give off (a liquid, light, smell, or quality)

  2. Talk in an unrestrained, excited manner
    • - this was the type of material that they effused about

  1. pour out; "effused brine"
  2. flow out: flow or spill forth
  3. give out or emit (also metaphorically); "The room effuses happiness"
  4. to emit; to give off; to gush; to be excitedly talkative and enthusiastic about something; to leak out through a small hole; spread out
  5. spread out flat especially as a film-like growth.
  6. spreading or pouring out flatly or loosely.
  7. Spread out, radiate.