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edits, 3rd person singular present; edited, past participle; editing, present participle; edited, past tense;
  1. Prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it
    • - Volume I was edited by J. Johnson
  2. Choose material for (a movie or a radio or television program) and arrange it to form a coherent whole
    • - the footage wasn't good enough to be edited into broadcast form
    • - an edited version drawn from several prerecorded performances
  3. Be editor of (a newspaper or magazine)

  4. Remove unnecessary or inappropriate words, sounds, or scenes from a text, movie, or radio or television program

  1. A change or correction made as a result of editing

  1. prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"
  2. supervise the publication of; "The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
  3. cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"
  4. cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes"
  5. (edited) emended: improved or corrected by critical editing; "the emended text"
  6. (editing) putting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form
  7. The Edit application was a simple text editor for the early Apple Macintosh. It was included with the basic system software to demonstrate the use of the Macintosh user interface.
  8. MS-DOS Editor is a text editor that comes with MS-DOS (since version 5) and 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. Originally (up to MS-DOS 6.22) it was actually QBasic running in editor mode. With DOS 7 (Windows 95), QBasic was removed and MS-DOS Editor became a standalone program.
  9. Edward Ma, better known under the recording name edIT (or The Con-Artist) is a Los Angeles electronic producer and DJ. ...
  10. "Edit" is an Anti-folk/Indie rock song from Anti-folk singer Regina Spektor, released in the summer of 2006 on the album Begin to Hope. ...
  11. Editing is the process of selecting and preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media. A person who edits is called an editor. ...
  12. A change to the text of a document; To change a text, or a document; To be the editor of a publication
  13. (edited) having been altered from the original version: being something that someone has edited
  14. (Edited) Prepared for publication.
  15. (Edited) Any package on AETN will be edited unless otherwise noted.  All packages will be broadcast quality in content and information.
  16. (Edited) This publication takes a closer look at one of South Africa's most famous landmarks - the Kruger National Park. It is an integrated guide to the wide variety of vegetation & species of the Park. ...
  17. (Editing) In writing, the correcting of grammatical, usage, punctuation, and spelling errors to ensure that the writing is clear, coherent, and correct. ( See also proofreading; revising; writing process.)
  18. (Editing) With most media, editing is a process or a procedure that the editor employs.
  19. (editing) 1. In filmmaking, the task of selecting and joining camera takes. 2. In the finished film, the set of techniques that governs the relations among shots.
  20. (Editing) The process by which shots are put together into sequences or scenes. Usually described according to rhythm or pace (ie the varying lengths of the shots in the sequence) and type of transition (eg cut, fade, dissolve or mix, wipe). ...
  21. (Editing) Changing aspects of a design via a computerized editing program. Most programs allow the user to scale designs up or down, edit stitch by stitch or block by block, merge lettering with the design, move aspects of the design around, and other features.
  22. (Editing) The process of correcting or making changes to a document.
  23. (Editing) The process of examining questionnaires to insure that all the questions have been answered properly and that all written verbatim responses are complete, meaningful and legible.
  24. (Editing) the joining and assembling of shots; also called cutting (Montage is the term used in Europe).
  25. (editing) The process of combining and arranging audio, video, effects, transitions, and graphics in a sequence to produce a program.