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eavesdrop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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eavesdropping, present participle; eavesdropped, past tense; eavesdrops, 3rd person singular present; eavesdropped, past participle;
  1. Secretly listen to a conversation
    • - she opened the window just enough to eavesdrop on the conversation outside

  1. listen in: listen without the speaker's knowledge; "the jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife's conversations"
  2. Eavesdrop is a 2008 film written and directed by Matthew Miele.
  3. Eavesdropping is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent, as defined by Black's Law Dictionary. This is commonly thought to be unethical and there is an old adage that eavesdroppers seldom hear anything good of themselves... ...
  4. The dripping of rain from the eaves of a house; The space around a house on which such water drips; A concealed aperture through which an occupant of a building can surreptitiously listen to people talking at an entrance to the building; The act of intentionally hearing a conversation not ...
  5. (Eavesdropping) The interception of communications between a reader and a credential during transmission by unintended recipients. Messages can be protected against eavesdropping by employing a security service usually implemented by encryption.
  6. (eavesdropping) (I) Passive wiretapping done secretly, i.e., without the knowledge of the originator or the intended recipients of the communication. [RFC2828] An attack in which an attacker listens to a private communication. ...
  7. (Eavesdropping) Any information sent by the Subscriber using the PTC Online Service is sent at the Subscriber's sole risk, and PTC shall have no liability whatsoever for any claims, losses, actions, damages, suits or proceedings arising out of or otherwise relating to such actions by the Subscriber.
  8. (Eavesdropping) This term refers to the process of listening or monitoring someone without their permission. ^
  9. (eavesdropping) A breach of communication security in which the information remains intact, but its privacy is compromised. See also impersonation, tampering.
  10. (eavesdropping) Surreptitious interception of information sent over a network by an entity for which the information is not intended.
  11. Eavesdropping is simply listening to a private conversation which may reveal information which can provide access to a facility or network.