- become smaller or lose substance; "Her savings dwindled down"
- (dwindling) gradually decreasing until little remains
- (dwindling) a becoming gradually less; "there is no greater sadness that the dwindling away of a family"
- To decrease, shrink, diminish, reduce in size; to fall away in quality; degenerate, sink
- (dwindling) that is declining
- (Dwindles) is what nurses call “not sick enough to qualify for hospice care, but sick enough to never get better.” (Katy Butler’s “My Father’s Broken Heart.”)
- (Dwindling) the rapid dying off of old bees in the spring; sometimes called spring dwindling or disappearing disease.
- (Dwindling) Rapid or unusual depletion of hive population, usually in the spring.
- (v) : become smaller, grow feeble
- To diminish, become less
- (Henry IV, Part I - 3.3.3)