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dwarf 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dwarfs, plural; dwarves, plural;
  1. Cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison
    • - the buildings surround and dwarf All Saints Church
  2. Stunt the growth or development of
    • - the dwarfed but solid branch of a tree
  1. (in folklore or fantasy literature) A member of a mythical race of short, stocky humanlike creatures who are generally skilled in mining and metalworking

  2. sometimes offensive. An abnormally small person

  3. Denoting something, esp. an animal or plant, that is much smaller than the usual size for its type or species
    • - a dwarf conifer
  4. A star of relatively small size and low luminosity, including the majority of main sequence stars

  1. a person who is markedly small
  2. shadow: make appear small by comparison; "This year's debt dwarfs that of last year"
  3. check the growth of; "the lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines"
  4. gnome: a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
  5. a plant or animal that is atypically small
  6. DWARF is a widely used, standardized debugging data format. DWARF was originally designed along with Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), although it is independent of object file formats. ...
  7. Fairies, in the fictional series Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, are beings, usually shorter than a human, who possess magic properties. The average height of a fairy is exactly 1 metre, one centimetre. All the fairies have retreated below the Earth to escape the destructiveness of the human race. ...
  8. A dwarf planet, as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), is a celestial body orbiting a star that is massive enough to be spherical as a result of its own gravity but has not cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals and is not a satellite. ...
  9. Dwarfs in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels are similar to the Dwarves of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, to which they largely started out as a homage, and dwarves in other fantasy novels. They are short, stocky, bearded metal-workers, generally seen wearing chain mail and brandishing axes. ...
  10. In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, dwarves are a humanoid race, one of the primary races available for play as player characters. Variations from the standard dwarf archetype are commonly called subraces, which include hill dwarves, gray dwarves (duergar), and mountain dwarves. ...
  11. The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy novels by Christopher Paolini. It was previously titled the Inheritance Trilogy until Paolini's announcement on October 30, 2007 that there would be a fourth book. ...
  12. A creature from (especially Scandinavian and other Germanic) folklore, usually depicted as having mystical powers and being skilled at crafts such as woodwork and metalworking. ...
  13. (Dwarfer) A Red Dwarf crewmember; a Red Dwarf fan.
  14. (Dwarfing) General reduction in length or height of plant due to underdevelopment of organs caused by nutritional or physiological disorder, disease, or any environmental stress.
  15. (Dwarfing) The underdevelopment of any organ of a plant.
  16. (dwarfing) A stunting of normal growth characterized in plants by smaller than normal leaves and stems.
  17. To induce dwarfing or cold tolerance or other characteristics to the scion. Most apple trees in modern orchards are grafted dwarf or semi-dwarf trees planted at high density. ...
  18. (Dwarfs) (midgets): they are common to circuses in the world. These 'little people' are represented in all the genres of circus art; they often perform in separated circus programs.
  19. (Dwarfs) Fannie Mae issued mortgage-backed securities pools that have an original maturity of 15 years.
  20. (Dwarfs) They are short, usually bearded and appear to be very old. Their aged appearance seems to be caused by the fact that they reach maturity at age three. They exist mainly in the mountains of Scandinavia and in mines in Germany. ...
  21. (Dwarves) Native to Aysle, Dwarves are notably shorter and stockier than humans. They tend to love to tinker with technological items.
  22. (Dwarves) They don't exist; they never have. The same applies to Halflings, Trolls, Ogres, Ninjas, Shaolin Monks, Werewolves, Fairies/Pixies/Fae things, Angels, Fremen, the French, etc., etc., etc. ad nausum. ...
  23. (Good) - The Dwarves move an inch slower than the average man-sized warrior, making them easy to outmanouevre, but they have powerful bows and the highest defence in the game, making them a hard opponent. ...
  24. This is a very favorable dream. If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admit of your engaging in many profitable pursuits both of mind and body. ...
  25. Is a low-mass main sequence star that is not quite as luminous or hot as more massive stars. Because of their low masses these types of stars can steadily burn (fuse) hydrogen for several billions of years. Our own Sun is a dwarf star.