- droppings: fecal matter of animals
- fertilize or dress with dung; "you must dung the land"
- defecate; used of animals
- Manure; animal excrement; A type of manure, as from a particular species or type of animal; To fertilize with dung; To immerse or steep, as calico, in a bath of hot water containing cow dung, done to remove the superfluous mordant; To void excrement
- (1.) Used as manure (Luk 13:8); collected outside the city walls (Neh 2:13). Of sacrifices, burned outside the camp (Exo 29:14; Lev 4:11; Lev 8:17; Num 19:5). To be "cast out as dung," a figurative expression (Kg1 14:10; Kg2 9:37; Jer 8:2; Psa 18:42), meaning to be rejected as unprofitable. (2. ...
- The excrement of an animal. Also called scat.
- Manure. Sometimes it is real estate, and at other times personal property. When collected in a heap, it is personal estate; when spread out-on the land, it becomes incorporated in it, and it is then real estate. Vide Manure.
- The feces (manure) of farm animals.
- (n) : manure, excreta of animals
- animal excrement, feces, poop