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duff 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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duffs, plural;
  1. Of very poor quality
    • - duff lyrics
  2. Incorrect or false
    • - she played a couple of duff notes
  1. Beat someone up

  2. Mishit (a shot)

  1. A person's buttocks
    • - I did not get where I am today by sitting on my duff

  1. a stiff flour pudding steamed or boiled usually and containing e.g. currants and raisins and citron
  2. Duff Beer is a fictional brand of beer in the animated series The Simpsons. It is Homer Simpson's beer of choice. It is a parody of stereotypical commercial beer: moderately priced, poor-quality, and advertised everywhere. The beer's official spokesperson is Duffman.
  3. The Down Under Fan Fund, also known as DUFF, was created in 1970 for the purpose of providing funds to bring well-known and popular members of science fiction fandom familiar to fans on both sides of the Pacific ocean.
  4. The River Duff, or Bunduff, is a river in County Sligo and County Leitrim, Ireland. The River Duff is 14 miles long, flowing from Glenade Valley in County Leitrim to the sea. In County Leitrim it is also known as the Black River. ...
  5. Duff is a surname of Irish or Scottish descent. A corruption of the Gaelic word Dubh meaning dark or black in reference to personal features or temperament. Duff originated in Connacht and Fife in Ireland and Scotland respectively. It may refer to: *Duff, King of Scots (d. ...
  6. The Duffing equation is a non-linear second-order differential equation. It is an example of a dynamical system that exhibits chaotic behavior. The equation is given by
  7. (Duffs) Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport, in which competing players (golfers), using many types of clubs, attempt to hit balls into each hole on a golf course while employing the fewest number of strokes. ...
  8. Dumb/Designated Ugly Fat Friend, an attractive woman's less attractive friend
  9. Dough; A stiff flour pudding, often with dried fruit, boiled in a cloth bag, or steamed; To disguise something to make it look new; To alter the branding of stolen cattle; to steal cattle; To beat (up); To hit the ground behind the ball; Worthless; not working properly, defective
  10. (duffing) the colonial term for stealing.
  11. Layer of decaying forest litter consisting of organics such as needles, leaves, plant and tree materials covering the mineral soil. Duff can smolder for days after a fire. Extinguishing smoldering duff is key to successful mopup operations.
  12. The layer of decomposing organic materials lying below the litter layer of freshly fallen twigs, needles, and leaves and immediately above the mineral soil.
  13. To duff is to totally mess up or miss a shot, such as to “screw up” or “ruin” the shot.
  14. A build-up of organic material, such as dead grass, leaves, conifer needles, and other plant parts.
  15. Scot. and U.S.  decaying leaves and branches covering a forest floor; in extended use for a lake bottom
  16. Down Under Fan Fund. A fannish charity which raises money to bring Australian fans to North America or to send North Americans to Australia, usually in connection with a WorldCon.
  17. (1) Forest litter and other organic debris in various stages of decomposition, on top of the mineral soil, typical of conifer forests in cool climates where the rate of decomposition is slow and where litter accumulation exceeds decay. ...
  18. Normally means dessert but it also may indicate that something is not working, or it may be used in a phrase such as "No duff" which means "not a drill or exercise".
  19. slang for Double Ugly Fat Fucker, being the F-4 Phantom II; an obvious imitation of BUFF (B-52D), probably out of envy or jealousy. See BIRD.
  20. The partially decayed organic matter on the forest floor.
  21. Coal of square mesh screen size less than 6.3 mm.
  22. An accumulation of non-living organic debris (mostly plant stuff) on the forest floor.  Duff is often material that has already begun to decompose.
  23. This may vary slightly from place to place, but I typically use duff to generically describe a bad shot. I might say I duffed a particular shot that I hit fat, skulled, smothered, or chili dipped.
  24. partly decayed dead vegetation on the forest floor. See article about Wood Frogs.
  25. (aka: "dub", "top") a shot that is so badly misplayed that it travels only a very short distance or is even missed entirely.