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droll 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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droller, comparative; drollest, superlative;
  1. Curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement
    • - his unique brand of droll self-mockery
  1. A jester or entertainer; a buffoon

  1. comical in an odd or whimsical manner; "a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor"
  2. A droll is a short comical sketch of a type that originated during the Puritan Interregnum in England. With the closure of the theatres, actors were left without any way of plying their art. ...
  3. A buffoon; To jest; oddly humorous; whimsical
  4. (drollness) The quality of being odd or comical
  5. (Drolls) In seventeenth-century England, short dramas that were either excerpts from or condensations of longer plays. Drolls were presented during the commonwealth and at the beginning of the Restoration.
  6. having a humorous or odd quality