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dowse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dowsing, present participle; dowsed, past tense; dowsed, past participle; dowses, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Practice dowsing
    • - water is easy to dowse for
  2. Search for or discover by dowsing
    • - he dowsed a spiral of energy on the stone

  1. searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod
  2. douse: wet thoroughly
  3. use a divining rod in search of underground water or metal
  4. douse: slacken; "douse a rope"
  5. drench: cover with liquid; pour liquid onto; "souse water on his hot face"
  6. (dowser) water witch: someone who uses a divining rod to find underground water
  7. Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites, and many other objects and materials, as well as so-called currents of earth radiation (Ley lines), without the use of scientific apparatus. ...
  8. A blow on the face; To plunge, or duck into water; to immerse; to douse; To beat or thrash; To use the dipping or divining rod, as in search of water, ore, etc
  9. (dowsing) The practice of seeking water or other substances (usually liquid) with the aid of a forked stick or similar pointing device, as believed by some practitioners to derive from supernatural power
  10. (Dowser) A sensitive who uses dowsing rods that points to hidden water, oil, buried money, lost articles, or people. Spiritual dowsing is one of the legal domains of study and research in Russia.
  11. (Dowser) One who finds water using a rod or witching stick
  12. (Dowser) finds water under the ground
  13. (Dowsing) Geomantic divination, or methods of locating and diagnosing unseen energies; especially those located underground.
  14. (Dowsing) The art/science of using a pendulum or stick to find the actual location of a person, place, thing or element. Dowsing can also be used to answer "yes" or "no" questions. ...
  15. Dowsing is the ability to seek answers and interpret them by using rods or a pendulum.
  16. (Dowsing) The paranormal detection of underground water or mineral deposits (or lost persons and objects) using a divining rod or pendulum.
  17. (dowsing (water witching)) Using a forked stick or wire to locate underground water.
  18. (Dowsing) A form of divination, where a forked rod, bent wire or pendulum to find people, animals, objects and substances.
  19. (DOWSING (aka DIVINING)) The ability to use a pair of rods (often metal) held in the hands to locate objects, most commonly water. A Y-shaped tree branch can also be used fro finding water. ...
  20. (Dowsing) Using a tool such as Pendulum or Divining Rod to locate energy, water, gold or other substances.
  21. (Dowsing) The use of instruments, such as pendulums or dowsing rods, to transfer energy or obtain information.
  22. (DOWSING) The act of using an amplifier (a forked stick or angle rods or pendulum) to allow the body to locate hidden objects. Also called water witching.
  23. (DOWSING) using rods or pendulum to find water/ley lines or to get straightforward yes/no answers to questions
  24. (Dowsing) (divining, questing, water witching): The skill of divining for underground sources of water or other practical and spiritual matters by means of a divining rod or variety of other means, such as the pendulum, or even by device less techniques. ...
  25. (Dowsing) Involves the use of a divining rod, stick, crystal or pendulum to locate objects. Considered a form of DIVINATION.