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domicile 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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domicils, plural; domiciles, plural;
  1. Treat a specified country as a permanent home
    • - the tenant is domiciled in the U.S
  2. Reside; be based
    • - he was domiciled in a frame house on the outskirts of town
  1. The country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with
    • - his wife has a domicile of origin in Germany
  2. A person's residence or home
    • - the builder I've hired to renovate my new domicile
  3. The place at which a company or other body is registered, esp. for tax purposes

  1. (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time; "what's his legal residence?"
  2. reside: make one's home in a particular place or community; "may parents reside in Florida"
  3. dwelling: housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"
  4. In astrology, a planet's domicile (or less commonly house, not to be confused with the astrological house system) is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. This is a separate concept from the houses of the horoscope. ...
  5. In law, domicile is the status or attribution of being a permanent resident in a particular jurisdiction. ...
  6. A home or residence
  7. (domiciled) living or residing (in a particular place)
  8. (Domiciled) The country in which you are domiciled is the country in which you permanently live.
  9. (Domiciled) Refers to the state in which an insurance company receives a license to operate. The company is then regulated by that state’s department of insurance.
  10. (Domiciled) The state in which a business has its principal place of business and, as it relates to corporation, the state under whose laws the corporation was formed.
  11. (domiciled) (vb.): A domicile is a house or a place where a person lives. If you are domiciled somewhere, that is where you live. The Finch family lived in the northern part of the county.
  12. A person's primary or permanent home.
  13. Fixed and permanent home.
  14. The state or county which is the primary residence of a person.
  15. A person's permanent legal residence for tax purposes; typically, this is also the address where the person maintains his or her voter's registration.
  16. One's residence from a legal point of view. Generally, it may not coincide with the current physical place of residence of a person rather it's the place where one intends to return after the purposes of his/her absence are attained.
  17. The place of a person's permanent home and the means by which the person is connected with a certain system of law related to issues such as marriage, divorce, succession of estate and taxation.
  18. Very basically, a person’s domicile is where they were born or live permanently. E.g. an individual is not UK domiciled if they were born outside of the UK or do not intend to remain permanently.
  19. The location of a fund for legal purposes.
  20. The place where a person has his permanent home to which he intends to return.
  21. That place where a person has his true and permanent home. A person may have several residences, but only one domicile.
  22. A person?s ?legal? home, i.e., where the person spends most of his time, or intends to return if currently living elsewhere.
  23. Place where a person has his or her principal residence.  The person must intend to keep that residence for the foreseeable future.  The sponsor of an immigrant must have domicile in the United States before the visa can be issued. ...
  24. A zodiac sign where the planet is most comfortable and therefore has authority.
  25. A person's usual place of dwelling and shall be synonymous with "residence."