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domesticate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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domesticated, past tense; domesticated, past participle; domesticates, 3rd person singular present; domesticating, present participle;
  1. Tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce
    • - mammals were first domesticated for their milk
  2. Cultivate (a plant) for food

  3. Make (someone) fond of and good at home life and the tasks that it involves
    • - you've really domesticated him

  1. adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment; "domesticate oats"; "tame the soil"
  2. overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable; "He tames lions for the circus"; "reclaim falcons"
  3. make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans; "The horse was domesticated a long time ago"; "The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog"
  4. (domesticated) domestic: converted or adapted to domestic use; "domestic animals"; "domesticated plants like maize"
  5. (domestication) adaptation to intimate association with human beings
  6. Domestication (from Latin domesticus) or taming is the process whereby a population of animals or plants, through a process of selection, becomes accustomed to human provision and control. A defining characteristic of domestication is artificial selection by humans. ...
  7. An animal or plant that has been domesticated; To make domestic; To make fit for domestic life; To adapt to live with humans; To adapt to live with humans; To make a legal instrument recognized and enforceable in a jurisdiction foreign to the one in which the instrument was originally ...
  8. (Domesticated) A term used to describe an animal that has been tamed or reclaimed from a wild state.
  9. (Domesticated) rabbits bred and trained as household pets, not taken from the wild.
  10. (domesticated) those animals that humans have tamed, kept in captivity, and bred for special purposes. All domesticated animals have their origins in wild ancestors.
  11. Domesticated animals and birds include horses, cows, chickens, cats, and dogs.. Parrots have not been continually bred in captivity long enough to be considered domestic.
  12. Domesticated or cultivated species means species in which the evolutionary process has been influenced by humans to meet their needs. (From Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity).
  13. (DOMESTICATION (OF TECHNOLOGY)) The processes by which computers and new media devices moved increasingly from work environments (businesses, schools) into the home and other personal spaces, beginning perhaps with the first "personal computers" and proceeding apace, due to both technical ...
  14. (Domestication) Among early transhumant populations, which moved seasonally to find food, herds of hoofed mammals that were the ancestors of our current breeds moved with them. ...
  15. (Domestication) Process by which an international treaty is incorporated into domestic legislation.
  16. (Domestication) Taking animals from their natural habitat into the human habitat, then changing them in ways that make them more suitable to living with humans.
  17. (Domestication) The act of changing the "home state" of an entity from one jurisdiction to another, preserving the original date of Formation.
  18. (Domestication) The adaptation of a plant or animal so as to be cultivated by and beneficial to human beings^2
  19. (Domestication) The process by which a non-US based company changes its domicile to Delaware so as to be governed under Delaware law. The process is a two step process which first forms a new Delaware Corporation or LLC and second merges the non-US entity into the new Delaware entity.
  20. (Domestication) The process by which wild animals become suited to living with humans.
  21. (Domestication) The process of modification of plants and/or animals to establish human control over them, leading to agriculture and pastoralism.
  22. (Domestication) The process whereby humans changed the genetic makeup of plants and animals by influencing the way they reproduced, thereby making them more appealing in taste, size, and nutrition, as well as easier to grow, process, and cook. ...
  23. (Domestication) a process that tames animals and their offspring, so that they may live in close contact with humans.
  24. (Domestication) process of making something commercialized for larger production.
  25. (domestication) The development of an interdependent relationship between humans and another species.