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dogear 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (dogeared) Having many pages with corners that have been folded down, usually a sign of heavy use
  2. (DOG-EARED) Worn or ragged, usually referring to the edges of pages and binding. Corners of pages turned down like a dog's ear. Considered a defect.
  3. (Dog-Eared) Book pages which have been folded over in the corners. Some people do this to mark their place in a book.
  4. (Dog-Eared) Having worn and well-thumbed pages that have been creased or folded over to mark the place reached in reading.
  5. (Dog-Eared) Pages that are turned down at the corners – a poor man’s bookmark.
  6. (Dog-eared) A book or other publication having one or more corners of the leaves turned down, generally by readers.
  7. (Dog-eared) If a book is dog-eared, it is in bad condition, with torn pages, etc.
  8. (Dog-eared) folded, damaged, or torn sides/edges/corners of a book.
  9. (Dog-Ears) Triangular projections of unshrunk film at the corners of finished packages.
  10. (Dog-ears) Long points that extend beyond the seam allowance. Usually this happens with triangles or diamonds, and it is a good idea to trim them so your quilt back has less bulk.
  11. a corner of a page turned down to mark your place. In folding, occurs when you fold into a fold (such as a letter fold). At the side of one of the creases you get an indentation. It may look like a small inverted triangle. ...
  12. A small fold on corner of page - used by some readers to placemark, or as a result of porrly placed bookmark or shelving.