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divine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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divinest, superlative; diviner, comparative;
  1. Of, from, or like God or a god
    • - heroes with divine powers
    • - paintings of shipwrecks being prevented by divine intervention
  2. Devoted to God; sacred
    • - divine liturgy
  3. Excellent; delightful
    • - that succulent clementine tasted divine
    • - he had the most divine smile
  1. Discover (something) by guesswork or intuition
    • - his brother usually divined his ulterior motives
    • - they had divined that he was a fake
  2. Have supernatural or magical insight into (future events)
    • - frauds who claimed to divine the future in chicken's entrails
  3. Discover (water) by dowsing

  1. A cleric or theologian

  2. Providence or God

  1. Godhead: terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
  2. emanating from God; "divine judgment"; "divine guidance"; "everything is black or white...satanic or godly"-Saturday Review
  3. perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
  4. cleric: a clergyman or other person in religious orders
  5. providential: resulting from divine providence; "providential care"; "a providential visitation"
  6. search by divining, as if with a rod; "He claimed he could divine underground water"
  7. Divine (October 19, 1945 – March 7, 1988), b. Harris Glenn Milstead, was an American actor, singer and drag queen. ...
  8. Divine was the first major release from Blinded Colony. It would be the first and last album to feature singer Niklas Svensson. This would also be the only album they released under the Scarlet Records Banner. ...
  9. divine inc, was a Chicago-based company that started out as an Internet Incubator named divine interVentures (The name was changed after several people pointed out that it was very close to, a company that sells religious sex toys). ...
  10. A Divine Double Feature (1990) is a collection of two video segments, both starring the late Divine.
  11. Divine was an american R&B girl group who are best known for their 1998 "Lately" song. Group members include Kia Thornton, Nikki Bratcher and Tonia Tash. ...
  12. Undercover Slut is a French/American Industrial metal group.
  13. a theologian or cleric; a metaphor for a deity, especially the Christian one; to foretell (something), especially by the use of divination; to guess (something); to search for (underground objects or water) using a divining rod; of or pertaining to a god; eternal, holy, or otherwise ...
  14. (Divinity) The nature or quality of being God. It belongs to God alone. Jesus was divine in nature (Col. 2:9) as well as being human.
  15. (Divinity) A fluffy, creamy candy made from sugar, corn syrup, and beaten egg whites. Nuts, chocolate, and other flavorings are often added to the mixture.
  16. (Divinity) Ascended personages and Beings of light that have moved beyond physical expression but still maintain an interest in helping humanity evolve.
  17. (Divinity) For the Wisdom, the Absolute Source or Causeless Cause of all or the One Life present in all. This postulate of Divinity is different from the usual religious understanding of Deity (in which the ‘deity’ is separate from its creations). ...
  18. (Divinity) Possessing the trappings and power of godhood.  To be divine is to have transcended humanity, whether through direct godhood or through special access to the highest powers.
  19. (Divinity) The essence of God, which is truly contained in the Eucharist.
  20. (Divinity) The highest of the three dimensions in which everything exists, as taught by the Ba'al Shem Tov. Also see Souls and Worlds.
  21. (divinity) A confection made with a cooked sugar and corn syrup mixture poured over whipped egg whites. The mixture is beaten until cooled and firm then dropped in mounds on wax paper to cool. See recipe for Divinity.
  22. the Supreme Being from which all comes and in which all lives. In its supreme Truth the Divine is absolute and infinite peace, consciousness, existence, power and delight. ...
  23. term used bySri Aurobindo and the Mother as an alternative to "God". As used here, the Divine refers to any quasipersonal aspect or activity of the Supreme. ...
  24. Similar to its namesake, the Divine Waja appears regal and majestic almost like a dog-dragon. It is the only waja to have wings as part of its base design and is noted for it's long whiskers.
  25. of, from, like God, religious, sacred, supremely good