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divert 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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diverted, past participle; diverts, 3rd person singular present; diverting, present participle; diverted, past tense;
  1. Cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another
    • - a scheme to divert water from the river to irrigate agricultural land
  2. (of a vehicle or person) Change course
    • - an aircraft has diverted and will be with you shortly
  3. Reallocate (something, esp. money or resources) to a different purpose
    • - more of their advertising budget was diverted into promotions
  4. Distract (someone or their attention) from something
    • - public relations policies are sometimes intended to divert attention away from criticism
  5. Draw the attention of (someone) away from tedious or serious concerns; entertain or amuse
    • - a diverting book
    • - nursery rhymes can calm and divert all but the most fractious child

  1. deviate: turn aside; turn away from
  2. send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one
  3. amuse: occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion; "The play amused the ladies"
  4. withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions
  5. (diverted) amused: pleasantly occupied; "We are not amused" -Queen Victoria
  6. (diverting) amusing: providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; "an amusing speaker"; "a diverting story"
  7. Diverted is a 2009 CBC made-for-TV movie. It was directed by Alex Chapple. The movie was written by Tony Marchant.
  8. (The diversion) The Diversion, published in 2001 and written by K. A. Applegate, is the forty-ninth book in the Animorphs series. It is narrated by Tobias.
  9. To turn aside from a course; To distract; To entertain or amuse (by diverting the attention)
  10. (diverted) that has been subject to diversion
  11. (diversion) A tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action; A hobby; an activity that distracts the mind; The act of diverting; Removal of water via a canal; A detour, such as during road construction; The rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or ...
  12. (Diverted) The flight has been re-routed to another destination.
  13. (Diverting) People who divert medication take pharmaceuticals without a documented prescription.  These people commonly receive medication from friends and family members with a prescription, purchase it on the street, or find some other outlet.
  14. (Diversion) An accompanying mark or blind that adds difficulty to a following mark or blind
  15. (Diversion) Taking legally prescribed medications (e.g., methadone, tranquilizers) and selling them illegally.
  16. (Diversion) any shipment relinquished to the shipper, consignee or his agent at point of origin or intermediate point or before the shipment has reached its ultimate destination.
  17. (Diversion) the act of keeping materials out of landfills through waste reduction, recycling, reuse, composting or incineration at a waste-to-energy facility.
  18. (Diversion) when a customer changes the destination of their shipment after it is en route, transportation charges shall be calculated from the point of origin, to the point at which the carrier is able to effect the diversion, plus the transportation charge from the diversion point to the new ...
  19. (diversion) Instead of going to jail, a defendant goes to a rehabilitation ("rehab") program and is supervised by a probation officer. When the defendant finishes the program, the charges are dismissed and the defendant is not sentenced. (Compare electronic surveillance, home detention.)
  20. (diversion) The transfer of water from a stream, lake, aquifer, or other source of water by a canal, pipe, well, or other conduit to another watercourse or to the land, as in the case of an irrigation system.
  21. (Diversion) The removal of water from its natural course or location, or controlling water in its natural course or location by means of a ditch, canal, flume, reservoir, bypass, pipeline, conduit, well, pump or other device.
  22. (Diversion) 1. Use of part of a stream flow as water supply. 2. A channel with a supporting ridge on the lower side constructed across a slope to divert water at a non-erosive velocity to sites where it can be used and disposed of.
  23. (diversion) Procedures for handling relatively insignificant juvenile problems informally, without referral to Juvenile Court. In criminal cases, the formal continuance of a case for a certain length of time, usually a year, with the goal of dismissal if the defendant meets certain conditions.
  24. (Diversion) an alternative to trial of a case where the youth is referred to counseling services.
  25. (Diversion) A court program that can suspend the prosecution of a criminal DWI charge in exchange for performing certain tasks, such as attending a drinking driver program. At the end of the period of successful diversion the charges are dismissed. ...