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distend 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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distended, past tense; distended, past participle; distending, present participle; distends, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cause (something) to swell by stretching it from inside
    • - air is introduced into the stomach to distend it
  2. Swell out because of pressure from inside
    • - the abdomen distended rapidly

  1. dilate: become wider; "His pupils were dilated"
  2. cause to expand as it by internal pressure; "The gas distended the animal's body"
  3. (distension) distention: the act of expanding by pressure from within
  4. (distension) dilatation: the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
  5. To extend or expand, as from internal pressure; to swell; To extend; to stretch out; to spread out; To cause to swell; To cause gravidity
  6. (Distended) a swelling due to pressure within, often used to describe a distended abdomen, which is a common symptom of people with gluten and weak in tolerance, in addition to celiac disease.
  7. (distended) swelled out, stretched in all directions
  8. (Distension) Enlarging. Visible increase in the waistline. Bloating or swelling of the abdomen
  9. (Distension) Occurs when the abdomen is swollen up.  This is different from the word ‘bloating’ which refers to feeling overly full but not actually being swollen.