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distemper 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A viral disease of some animals, esp. dogs, causing fever, coughing, and catarrh,
  1. Paint (something) with distemper
    • - the distempered roof timbers
  1. A kind of paint using glue or size instead of an oil base, for use on walls or for scene-painting

  2. A method of mural and poster painting using this

  1. any of various infectious viral diseases of animals
  2. paint with distemper
  3. ill humor: an angry and disagreeable mood
  4. paint made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder
  5. Distemper is the first non-compilation album by The New Christs. It reached #1 on the Australian Alternative Charts.
  6. Distemper is a ska punk band from Moscow that was founded in 1989 and is also successful outside of Russia.
  7. Distemper is a term with a variety of meanings for paints used in decorating and as a historical medium for painting pictures. The binding element may be some form of glue or oil; these are known in decorating respectively as soft distemper and oil bound distemper.
  8. A viral disease of animals, such as dogs and cats, characterised by fever, coughing and catarrh; A water-based paint; to disturb and disorder, hence to make sick; to paint using distemper
  9. (distempered) (v): ailed, bothered. FS (4-John, 12th, Ham); Lodge Wounds; Marlowe Jew/Malta; (anon.) Ironside; Sidney Antony.
  10. A highly contagious disease which if caught by your ferret is 100% lethal. In order to protect your ferret it is important to have your ferret vaccinated by your vet.
  11. A traditional unstable wall 'paint' comprising water, pigment and glue. Now largely replaced by emulsion paints, old distemper normally needs to be removed or sealed before redecoration.
  12. A technique of painting in which pigments are diluted with water and bound with a glue. It was usually used for painting wall decorations and frescoes, though a few artists, notably Andrea Mantegna (1430/31-1506), also used it on canvas.
  13. A high mortality viral disease, highly contagious, which spreads through secretions of nose, eyes, or direct oral contact, similar to the germ that causes measles in people
  14. generally means "disease" during the colonial era.
  15. Used here in the historical sense: Disturbed condition of the body or mind; ill health, illness; a mental or physical disorder; a disease or ailment.
  16. Wall paint made from water, pigment and glue (traditional).
  17. illness, disease, disorder of body or mind caused by a imbalance of the four humours, blood (sanguine), yellow bile (choleric), phlegm (phlegmatic), and black bile (melancholic).
  18. Usually animal disease with malaise, discharge from nose and throat, anorexia
  19. A viral disease that caused a severe and often fatal systemic illness in dogs and their close relatives. Distemper is also fatal in animals such as raccoons, and mustelids including skunks, mink and ferrets.
  20. A blend of glue, chalk and water-based paint, used mostly for murals and posters.
  21. An infectious viral disease occurring in dogs, characterized by loss of appetite, a catarrhal discharge from the eyes and nose, vomiting, fever, lethargy, partial paralysis caused by destruction of myelinated nerve tissue, and sometimes death. Also called canine distemper.
  22. This widespread and often fatal disease in canines. Clinical signs include fever, runny nose, cough, vomiting and may progress to muscle twitching and seizures.
  23. An impermanent type of paint in which the pigments are mixed with size.
  24. This painting technique involves the use of powdered colors that are mixed with glue size, or such things as egg yolk.
  25. a traditional water-based coloured paint with a matt finish made from powdered chalk, glue and water. Most modern paints will not adhere to a distempered surface. Distemper is no longer manufactured so you are only likely to see it in older properties.