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dissimulate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dissimulating, present participle; dissimulated, past tense; dissimulates, 3rd person singular present; dissimulated, past participle;
  1. Conceal or disguise (one's thoughts, feelings, or character)
    • - a country gentleman who dissimulates his wealth beneath ragged pullovers
    • - now that they have power, they no longer need to dissimulate

  1. hide (feelings) from other people
  2. (dissimulation) deception: the act of deceiving
  3. (dissimulative) concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive; "dissimulative arts"
  4. Dissimulate is the second album, released in 2002, by the death metal band The Berzerker. This is, so far, the only full-length album the band has released that features an actual drummer instead of a drum machine.
  5. To practise deception by concealment or omission or by feigning a false appearance; To hide or disguise by adopting a false appearance; To connive at; to wink at; to pretend not to notice
  6. (Dissimulation) Projection and normalization of paranoia (esp. of existential threat) into public consciousness such that the reaction causes the phenomenon; creation of self-fulfilling prophecy