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disseminate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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disseminated, past tense; disseminated, past participle; disseminates, 3rd person singular present; disseminating, present participle;
  1. Spread or disperse (something, esp. information) widely
    • - health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information
  2. Spread throughout an organ or the body
    • - disseminated colonic cancer

  1. circulate: cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
  2. (dissemination) the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate
  3. (dissemination) the property of being diffused or dispersed
  4. (Dissemination) -verb to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing a seed, broadcast voice, public exposure, spreading, diffusion, or dispersal of speech from one few or many.
  5. To sow and scatter principles, ideas, opinions, and errors for growth and propagation, such as seed; To become scattered
  6. (disseminated) spread around; widespread; spread over a wide area of the body or of an organ
  7. (dissemination) The act of disseminating, or the state of being disseminated; diffusion for propagation and permanence; a scattering or spreading abroad, as of ideas, beliefs, etc
  8. (Disseminated) Scattered throughout the body.
  9. (disseminated) widely dispersed in a tissue, organ, or the entire body.
  10. (Disseminated) Said of a mineral deposit (esp. of metals) in which the desired minerals occur as scattered particles in the rock, but in sufficient quantity to make the deposit an ore.
  11. (Disseminated) Term applied to ore deposits consisting of fine grains of ore mineral dispersed through the host rock.
  12. (Disseminated) Widely dispersed across the entire body. Inimmune-compromised people, such as those with AIDS, coinfections (e.g.,cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, Mycobacterium avium complex,etc. ...
  13. (Disseminated) referring to mold, to scatter or spread widely, as in mold spores spreading throughout your home or business
  14. (dissemination) For biopollutants, the way and means of leavening a reservoir and coming in contact with a human receptor.
  15. (Dissemination) Providing the results of processing to consumers, including consumers in the intelligence community, including use of intelligence information in net assessment and strategic gaming.
  16. Information dissemination
  17. (Dissemination) A process used to spread new or existing knowledge, interventions or practices. Includes identifying the appropriate audience and tailoring the message and medium to that audience. ...
  18. (Dissemination) Cancer cells spreading via the blood or lymphatic fluid
  19. (Dissemination) Literally spreading the seed. So it means telling other people about something: writing it up, distributing the video, holding a conference, or going to talk to other groups, for example.
  20. (Dissemination) Methods of distributing electronic documents on the Web.
  21. (Dissemination) Supply of data in any form whatever: publications, access to databases, microfiches, telephone communications, etc.
  22. (Dissemination) Tangible product that is peer-reviewed, critiqued, juried or judged
  23. (Dissemination) The act of making government information products accessible to depository libraries and the public.
  24. (Dissemination) The active process of distributing information such as evidence or practice advice, to ensure maximum exposure to and uptake by relevant groups of people.
  25. (Dissemination) The spread of Valley Fever from its site of infection in the lung to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Valley Fever can disseminate to nearly any organ or body part.