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dissect 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dissected, past participle; dissected, past tense; dissects, 3rd person singular present; dissecting, present participle;
  1. Methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in order to study its internal parts

  2. Analyze (something) in minute detail
    • - novels that dissect our obsession with cities and urban angst

  1. cut open or cut apart; "dissect the bodies for analysis"
  2. analyze: make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound"
  3. (dissected) cleft: having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib
  4. (dissection) cutting so as to separate into pieces
  5. (dissection) a minute and critical analysis
  6. Dissection (also called anatomization) is usually the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components.
  7. (Dissection (album)) Dissection is the second full-length album by Crimson Thorn. The album was released in 1997 on Morphine Records and later released on Little Rose Productions.
  8. (Dissection (band)) Dissection was a black/death metal band from Strömstad, Sweden. The band was formed in 1989 by Jon Nödtveidt and disbanded in 2006 after Nödtveidt's suicide. Dissection released its first EP in 1991.
  9. (Dissection (medical)) In medical pathology, dissection (or dissecting aneurysm) refers to a tear within the wall of a blood vessel, which allows blood to separate the wall layers, creating a pseudoaneurysm.
  10. (Dissection (rearrangement)) In geometry, a dissection problem is the problem of partitioning a geometric figure (such as a polytope or ball) into smaller pieces that may be rearranged into a new figure of equal content. ...
  11. To study a dead animal's anatomy by cutting it apart; to perform a necropsy or an autopsy; To study a plant or other organism's anatomy similarly; To analyze an idea in detail by separating it into its parts; To separate muscles, organs, and so on without cutting into them or disrupting ...
  12. (Dissected) cut into fine segments
  13. (dissected) deeply cut or divided into numerous lobes or divisions.
  14. (dissected) Refers especially to plains or peneplains in the process of erosion after an uplift, resulting in an area cut into hills and valleys, or into flat uplands separated by valleys.
  15. (Dissected) deeply or finely divided
  16. (dissected) Deeply, often sharply cut but not compound; usually pertaining to leaves. (see compound leaf, leaflet, lobe, segment) (e.g., Cymopteris deserticola)
  17. (dissected) divided at least partially into segments.
  18. (Dissected) Refers to a deeply cut leaf, the cuts not reaching the midline.
  19. (Dissected) leaves or flattened organs that are cut in any way [lacinate, lacerate, incised, palmatisect, or pinnatisect
  20. (dissection) surgery to divide, separate, or remove tissues. (See also axillary dissection.)
  21. (Dissection) Separation of the layers of arterial tissue in the aorta, resulting from blood being forced out into the wall of the aorta through a tear in the innermost layer of tissue.
  22. (Dissection) (NP p. 208+): usually oral or written summary comments and critiques of the play, often after a public reading.
  23. (Dissection) A split in the layers of tissue that comprise the aortic wall - blood can then "dissect" between the layers and cause bleeding or obstruction of blood flow
  24. (Dissection) A tear in an artery to the brain. This is a significant cause of stroke in young (age < 60 years) patients and the cause is usually never determined. It is usually painful, and produces a stroke several hours or days following the onset of neck pain. ...
  25. (Dissection) Identification, isolation and surgical removal