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disquiet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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disquiets, plural;
  1. Make (someone) worried or anxious
    • - she felt disquieted at the lack of interest the girl had shown
  1. A feeling of anxiety or worry
    • - public disquiet about animal testing

  1. anxiousness: a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments
  2. perturb: disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"
  3. the trait of seeming ill at ease
  4. Disquiet (Беспокойство) is a 1965 sci-fi novel by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky set in the Noon Universe. It is the initial variant of the novel Snail on the Slope (Улитка на склоне) which has a different set of characters and is not set in the Noon Universe. ...
  5. Want of quiet; want of tranquility in body or mind; uneasiness; restlessness; disturbance; anxiety; Make (someone) worried or anxious; Deprived of quiet; impatient; restless; uneasy
  6. (disquietness) The state or quality of being disquiet or disturbed; troubledness