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disparage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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disparaging, present participle; disparaged, past tense; disparaged, past participle; disparages, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Regard or represent as being of little worth
    • - he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors

  1. express a negative opinion of; "She disparaged her student's efforts"
  2. (disparagement) a communication that belittles somebody or something
  3. (disparagement) the act of speaking contemptuously of
  4. (disparaging) derogative: expressive of low opinion; "derogatory comments"; "disparaging remarks about the new house"
  5. Disparagement, in United States trademark law, is a statutory cause of action that permits a party to petition the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to cancel a trademark registration that "may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, ...
  6. Inequality in marriage; marriage with an inferior; To match unequally; to degrade or dishonor; To dishonor by a comparison with what is inferior; to lower in rank or estimation by actions or words; to speak slightingly of; to depreciate; to undervalue; To ridicule, mock, discredit
  7. (disparaging) Insulting, ridiculing
  8. (Disparagement) In old ENGLISH LAW, an injury resulting from the comparison of a person or thing with an individual or thing of inferior quality; to discredit oneself by marriage below one's class. ...
  9. (Disparagement) A non-compete agreement provision feature where options are forfeited if the former employee speaks of the organization in a negative manner with the intent to condemn or discredit.
  10. (disparagement) Any false statement made to others that questions the legal ownership or raises doubts as to the quality of merchandise.
  11. (disparagement) false statements that interfere with a company’s business relations and negatively affect a company’s ability to do business.
  12. (Disparaging) To speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle.
  13. regard as being of little worth
  14. To degrade by unequal marriage, as when a man or woman married someone who was not their peer--i.e. a countess marrying a simple knight would be considered to be disparaged, and her honor reduced accordingly.
  15. (v) - to slight, to insult