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dismember 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dismembered, past tense; dismembers, 3rd person singular present; dismembering, present participle; dismembered, past participle;
  1. Cut off the limbs of (a person or animal)
    • - I can picture you in a white jacket dismembering rats
    • - he buried their dismembered bodies in the back yard
  2. Partition or divide up (a territory or organization)
    • - Russia intended to dismember the Ottoman Empire

  1. separate the limbs from the body; "the tiger dismembered the tourist"
  2. divide into pieces; "our department was dismembered when our funding dried up"; "The Empire was discerped after the war"
  3. Dismember (also known by members as the Untitled album) is the eighth studio album by death metal band Dismember. It was released April 1, 2008. A promotional copy of this album was leaked onto p2p networks in early 2008.
  4. Dismember is a Swedish death metal band that formed in 1988. They are well known in the extreme metal underground.
  5. To remove the limbs of; To cut or otherwise divide something into pieces
  6. (Dismembered) Applied to birds having neither feet nor legs; also, to animals whose members are separated.
  7. (dismembered) used of a charge cut into pieces, which are set a small distance apart but preserve the original form
  8. (v) - cut into small parts