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disembark 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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disembarked, past participle; disembarked, past tense; disembarks, 3rd person singular present; disembarking, present participle;
  1. Leave a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
    • - the passengers began to disembark

  1. go ashore; "The passengers disembarked at Southampton"
  2. To remove from on board a vessel; to put on shore; to land; to debark; To go ashore out of a ship or boat; to leave a train or airplane; to debark
  3. (Disembarking) Quite simply, this is getting off the boat (We didn't say this was rocket science, did we?)
  4. (Disembarking) Leaving a phase of life, such as motherhood, marriage or a job. Ending a relationship or arriving at a new phase of life, a new possibility or great change.
  5. Leaving the ship; could refer to disembarking for a port of call or leaving the ship on the last day of the cruise.
  6. To exit, or the process of exiting the ship.
  7. to unload (passengers or goods) from a ship, aircraft, etc.
  8. Exiting a ship, usually at the end of a cruise.
  9. To go or put ashore from a ship. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  10. Refers to any time that the crew or passengers leave the ship.
  11. Said of wind when exactly ahead; and of another vessel when her fore and aft line coincides with observer's line of sight.
  12. To get off a plane, ship, or train.
  13. To leave the ship/go ashore
  14. The act of leaving a ship.
  15. To go from board a vessel
  16. to get out of a boat