- constituting a separate entity or part; "a government with three discrete divisions"; "on two distinct occasions"
- (discreteness) the state of being several and distinct
- A discrete signal or discrete-time signal is a time series consisting of a sequence of quantities. In other words, it is a time series that is a function over a domain of discrete integers. Each value in the sequence is called a sample.
- Separate; distinct; individual; Non-continuous; Something that can be perceived individually and not as connected to, or part of something else; Having separate electronic components, such as individual resistors and inductors — the opposite of integrated circuitry; Having separate and ...
- (discretely) As a separate independent unit
- Pertains to separate and distinct parts of data such as holes in a card or graphic characters.
- In the context of sampling or measurement "discrete" refers to an isolated measurement. It is not possible to obtain/ interpolate a value between other discrete samples/ measurements and infer continuous values.
- means "separate and distinct": Even though they were married, they kept their money in two discrete accounts.
- Taking only non-continuous values, e.g., Boolean or natural numbers.
- Evolution is explicitly represented by many steps, for example the interleaving of local changes in the overall system, or sequence of discrete events explicitly captured.
- A data item that has a finite set of values. Discrete is the opposite of continuous.
- Composed of a finite number of parts which cannot be further divided. Contrast to continuous.
- data that only occur in selected places on the earths surface
- a single semiconductor device per die or packaged product, as opposed to an integrated circuit that is more than one semiconductor device per die.
- The axis contains independent data values rather than a range of numeric values. Each distinct value is represented by a tick mark. Discrete is the default axis type for character data.
- refers to the audio channel or signal that is independent from any of the other channels. Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1 are examples of discrete multi-channel sound systems.
- The separation between two elements with no interaction.
- Constituting a separate thing, with unconnected distinct parts. In the world of audio, discrete is generally used to signify separate components. ...
- Data, usually textual, that takes on a fixed set of values, such as the flavor of a product. Discrete textual data always should be handled as attributes in a dimension table as opposed to continuously valued numeric data that belongs in a fact table.
- Quantity is not continuous, where one or more numbers are not applicable.
- A type of random variable which may take on only a limited set of values, such as 1,2,3,...,10. The list may be finite, or there may be an infinite number of values. A discrete random variable is to be contrasted with a continuous random variable.
- adj. refers to the properties of language that (a) continuous changes in the acoustic signal result not in continuous changes in a perceived speech sounds but in perceptually distinct sounds (a phenomenon also known as categorical perception), and (b) semantically, changes in meaning result from ...
- adj. separate; distinct
- individually distinct