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disconcert 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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disconcerts, 3rd person singular present; disconcerted, past tense; disconcerted, past participle; disconcerting, present participle;
  1. Disturb the composure of; unsettle
    • - the abrupt change of subject disconcerted her
    • - she was amused to see a disconcerted expression on his face

  1. confuse: cause to feel embarrassment; "The constant attention of the young man confused her"
  2. upset: cause to lose one's composure
  3. (disconcerted) discombobulated: having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion; "the hecklers pelted the discombobulated speaker with anything that came to hand"; "looked at each other dumbly, quite disconcerted"- G.B.Shaw
  4. (disconcerting) causing an emotional disturbance; "his disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly"- Herb Caen; "an upsetting experience"
  5. To upset the composure of; To bring into confusion; To frustrate, make go wrong
  6. (disconcerted) Ruffled, upset and embarrassed; Self-consciously distressed; Frustrated and disarranged
  7. (disconcerting) Tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting
  8. (Disconcerting) Ominous? As alien a pair of words as I can think of to describe Manhattan's skyscrapers. And consider, the tallest skyscrapers in Sanborn's New York were ten stories high! ...
  9. (the opponent) - To harass or annoy the opponent in an attempt to distract them at any time during a match, but especially when they are preparing to shoot.  It is a foul to disconcert an opponent in a tournament and it is an example of poor sportsmanship.
  10. disturb composure of; fluster