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discolor 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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discolored, past participle; discolors, 3rd person singular present; discolored, past tense; discolouring, present participle; discoloured, past tense; discolours, 3rd person singular present; discoloring, present participle; discoloured, past participle;
  1. Become a different, less attractive color
    • - do not overknead the dough while adding the fruit or it will discolor
  2. Change or spoil the color of
    • - too much aluminum can discolor water

  1. lose color or turn colorless; "The painting discolored"
  2. cause to lose or change color; "The detergent discolored my shirts"
  3. (discoloration) stain: a soiled or discolored appearance; "the wine left a dark stain"
  4. (discoloration) the act of changing the natural color of something by making it duller or dingier or unnatural or faded
  5. To change or lose color
  6. (Discoloration) Any change from the original color. Discoloration is often caused by overheating, light exposure, irradiation, or chemical attack.
  7. (Discoloration) presence of unusual colors in the water, commonly clear, green or brown.
  8. (Discoloration) A change in the visual appearance of the material caused by formation of oxides when exposed to contaminating atmosphere, always at elevated temperatures.
  9. (Discoloration) (1) Staining. (2) Changing or darkening in color from the standard or original.
  10. (Discoloration) A darkening or color change visible to the naked eye. It can be caused by a number of factors including oxidation, embedded dirt and poor floor maintenance.
  11. (Discoloration) Change in color of paint due to chalking, dirt collection, fading, darkening or tonal changes.
  12. (Discoloration) Change in the normal colour of wood following infection by a micro-organism.
  13. (Discoloration) Color shifts on the printing or decoration on the label.
  14. (Discoloration) Development of an undesired color.
  15. (Discoloration) People with darker skin tones often experience hyperpigmentation (a.k.a., discoloration or dark spots). This darkening of the skin results from a variety of causes; such as, acne, insect bites, itchy rashes, abrasions, or over exposure to the sun. ...
  16. (Discoloration) Staining or blackening of metal can due to action of product inside.
  17. (Discoloration) The gradual yellowing of foam due to a photochemical reaction. It is faster in sunlight than in artificial light, although it occurs in both. Fresh foam may discolor in the center of the block as a result of thermal or chemical events. (Does not affect physical properties.)
  18. (Discoloration) not really a stain, perhaps some grayish or yellowish discoloration covering an area, may be small or large.
  19. (discoloration) A condition in which existing dye structures have been altered or removed.
  20. To alter the color of (a finish, metal, etc.) to a color which is not wanted. This fading may be caused by sitting in the sun, drops of contaminants (tree sap, bird dropping, spilled gasoline), poor paintwork, etc.
  21. Having two-toned leaves, such as green above and purple below.
  22. Of two or several colors