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disassociate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. part; cease or break association with; "She disassociated herself from the organization when she found out the identity of the president"
  2. (disassociation) the state of being unconnected in memory or imagination; "I could not think of him in disassociation from his wife"
  3. (disassociation) dissociation: a state in which some integrated part of a person's life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently
  4. To separate oneself from a person or situation; To separate into smaller discrete units; To separate from related items
  5. (disassociated) (adj.) a pointer is disassociated following execution of a DEALLOCATE or NULLIFY statement.
  6. (Disassociated) One who formally writes a letter to let everyone know their intentions to have nothing to do with the Jehovah's Witnesses. Subjected to being "cut off" from the members, although "elders" will still try to get them back from time to time.
  7. (Disassociation) A psychologically recognized state in which a person feels disconnected from their physical selves as if they are watching themselves act. Although in extreme cases a sign of a psychological disorder, dissociative states are a common occurrence among the general population. ...
  8. (Disassociation) The service provided by the MAC sublayer used to discontinue the membership of a device in a network.
  9. (Disassociation) because the surrogate key is completely unrelated to the data of the row to which it is attached, it is possible for the key to become disassociated with that row, or confused with a surrogate key from another row. ...
  10. (disassociation) According to interpersonal deception theory, a linguistic strategy of distancing oneself from what one has done.
  11. BELIEVE RIGHT, + NDH [1] PO > DS, FO up, DH [S], PO > signer, FO > NDS, DH is held with back of hand against NDH and flicks open to a [1], while moving towards NDS and mouthing "po".