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dis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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disses, 3rd person singular present; dissed, past participle; dissed, past tense; dissing, present participle;
  1. Act or speak in a disrespectful way toward
    • - he was expelled for dissing the gym teacher
  1. Disrespectful talk
    • - the airwaves bristle with the sexual dis of shock jocks

  1. god of the underworld; counterpart of Greek Pluto
  2. or DiS is a UK based music webzine financed by artist management company Silentway (who manage Mick Hucknall and Brett Anderson). The site is an editorially independent music website.
  3. In Norse mythology, a dís ("lady", plural dísir) is a ghost, spirit or deity associated with fate who can be both benevolent and antagonistic towards mortal people. Dísir may act as protective spirits of Norse clans. ...
  4. In Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy and Virgil's Aeneid, Dis is the City of the Dead (it.: La città infuocata di Dite, The burning city of Dis). It is located in the Fifth Circle of Hell. The walls of Dis are guarded by fallen angels and the Erinyes. ...
  5. This is a list of Dwarves from J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth.
  6. Dis is a genus of skippers in the family Hesperiidae.
  7. The Dis virtual machine is the execution environment for application code in the Inferno operating system. Its design is based on a register machine, closely modeling CISC-like architectures on which it runs. ...
  8. a diss, an expression of disrespect; common misspelling of diss; to show disrespect; this
  9. God of the underworld. He was sometimes referred to as Dis Pater, Father Dis; however, Dis Pater was the name the Romans later gave to the Celtic God, Cernunnos.
  10. To insult. Comes from "disrespect". Originally it was just a hip-hop/rap term but has found its way into the culture at large. Hey, even my mom says it! See "front".
  11. v. To treat with irreverence or insolence. From, "disrespect."
  12. Depositary Interests are UK-registered securities that enable trading in non-UK incorporated and registered company shares, to be undertaken and settled within
  13. Myth.- God of the lower world, identified with Pluto.
  14. Disease Intervention Specialist - A trained individual working with clients testing positive for STDs and their partners to confirm treatment and identify all other potentially infected individuals.  Usually employed by a health department.
  15. An act of insolence, common to the population of Lab6. Also refered to as Jip.
  16. Defense Investigative Service, or Defense Investigation Service, being the DoD headquarters for administrative and criminal investigations and prosecutions; see DCIS, CID, NIS, OSI, FBI, POLICE.
  17. adv./a.  callado; quieto. sap. quiet; silent; extinguished. § Dis atih! Sap bas! ¡Callate! Be quiet! § Yaka tîkama ya dis wâya tung ka. Esa lancha está viniendo calladamente.
  18. Department of Information. A State of Washington data processing unit located in Olympia.
  19. (a.k.a. Dead in Shell) Dead-in-Shell When an egg embryo dies before it hatches.
  20. hip hop slang for put down, insult (from "disrespect")
  21. From "disrespect." In graff, it often means to paint over a rival writer's work.
  22. Draft International Standard - an advanced draft where comments on the CD have been taken into account. Minor comments accepted by the Working Group will be incorporated in the FDIS, major changes will result in a second circulation as a DIS.
  23. To disrespect someone, or to reject them.
  24. or Disc specifies the percentage discount to be applied. The discount will be shown on the freight bill as a deduction from the otherwise applicable linehaul charges.
  25. disease disch.   discharge disp.      disposition